Part : 19

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A/N: aishhhhh sorry for not updating for so long.... i was busy okay .... i really was... i had exams... i had to prepare myself for my states and also i had some little no actually huge problems in my life here and there... so just forgive me okay???

and and.... just enjoy this chapter ... and i decided to fully concentrate on this book from now on... so tag along with me for updates....


Back To Taehyung and Jimin's first encounter....

"W-Wait a-a second a-are y-you-u sure-e?" Taehyung asked the man in front of him ,shaking ...

he found this hard to believe, but then why would a stranger wearing all black, crying his life out and holding a box which has The pretty boy's name written would lie?

The man in front of Taehyung nods his head in response.

"Absolutely. H-he died yesterday afternoon , i called his name so many t-times, but he didn't give me a response. S-So I checked a-and" he starts crying again.

Taehyung tried to push away the heaviness in his heart but he couldn't.. he failed miserable-ly...

"i-I h-how.. i- you." There was something in his mind which he couldn't shake off so he asked the man "M-May I-i know who y-you are?"

"P-Park Jimin W-Who a-are you?" Jimin hiccupped and blew his nose with the handkerchief the elder gave him earlier..

"Taehyung , May know your relationship with J-Jungkook?"

" I w-was Jungkook's only friend., companion, partner in crime"

Taehyung nodded his head in understanding . trying hard not to cry in front of this Park guy...

"We did everything together. We used to play together, eat together, walked together, bathed together "

"Excuse me?" Taehyung blurted in shock..

"Why, yes. We used to bath together, I loved washing Jungkook's hair while she played with the bubbles. We even used to"

Taehyung couldn't hear what Jimin said after bathing thing, Something is very wrong here. Either this Jimin here is lying or Jungkook used to swing in the other way. but by judging the way Jimin speaks about him so dreamily is something very strange.

"we had even kissed. Oh! It was surreal . How much wished I could have more but then again she was my friend. Friends don't do that isn't that right Taehyung?"

"O-oh y-yes." Taehyung nodded his head . "Friends don't do that. May I know what are you doing here?"

"I am supposed to ask you Taehyung What you are doing here? And I am here to work"

What is he doing here? That's a very nice question. He has no idea why he is here, he came here to meet Jungkook but then this man here says that he died yesterday in his sleep. Taehyung still have a hard time believing this Park guy...

"How did he die? If you don't mind me asking"

"Pills. She ate the pills." Jimin said looking somewhere far away...

A/N: in case you guys are confusing between 'she' and 'he' let me tell you in Korean she and he sounds like same so just go with that logic...

Taehyung is taking this situation very calmly and he has no idea why Maybe it's the shock or it's him that is not accepting this...

" I should have cleaned the floor before she ate them. Jungkook dropped them and Jungkook ate it."

"What?" Taehyung snapped.

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