Part : 23

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It turned out that the elder was staying with then, with the pretty boy to be exact. His parents and Jimin left for their respective places the very next day with no reason.

They stayed over at Jungkook's place for weeks without any reason!

They are definitely hiding something from him...

When the pretty boy finally confronted his parents about Taehyung staying in his house, they scurried him off saying,

"He's a part of the family we all left back in Busan."

Part of the family? My foot!

Either they do not see his ulterior motive or they are blind, but Jungkook knew that Jimin wasn't. he had caught them red handed on the floor and Jimin somehow knew that there was something fishy about this guy, but Jimin was acting vigilant about it. the pretty boy had to confront him soon about this unexpected situation he had got in his house.

the pretty boy came back to the house late at night and luckily Taehyung was not there to disturb him more than he already did in the morning but Jungkook knew that today, he had to face him again.

The thing is he didn't know how long he had to face him.

After what happened at the wedding then at his study, the only choice he had got was to avoid the elder as much as he could, he knew that no matter what Taehyung tries, he could never be civil with him.

Jungkook couldn't.

he won't.

the pretty boy sighed loudly when he reached the familiar streets of inchon. He followed his daily routine of throwing his mail and entered his house.

It's quiet. Like it has always been. As if there was nobody ever present in it.

Silence was good.

Looks like the elder was not here.


He made his way to his room when he saw one of the doors unlocked hut that wasn't all.

The lock was broken.

He knew what was behind the door and he knew who was behind this rash act.

The elder had the audacity to break and enter in the pretty boy's own house?! The same house in which he has been living in for a day?!

Jungkook wanted to barge in and teach him a lesson, but the more logical and sensible side of him was more powerful. he will not indulge in more useless conversation with the elder and ignore him till he leaves. The door opened only once in a month for a maid to clean all the tiles and cabinets.

Should he enter or not enter?

he knew that the person was right in there doing God knows what and might end up burning the place, but then Jungkook knew that the elder knows his way around the kitchen so the pretty boy shouldn't worry about it.

Since when did the pretty boy start worrying about the elder?

Jungkook was not worried about Taehyung, yeah he was worried about the place where the elder was at. It was a part of his house and any damage to it can lead to some disaster throughout the whole house.

the pretty boy simply shook his head and retreated back to his room to freshen up.

Soon, he found myself peeking out of his own bedroom door to check whether the way to his study room was clear or not. he sighed in relief when he didn't see anybody. he grabbed his laptop from his room and went to his study, but stopped in his way when he saw the kitchen door partially open.

A Chance To Make Things Right-(TaeKook- BXB) Cmplt✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora