Part : 29

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A/N: my ladies send gentleman?? Well brace your self for the angst .... Bcz shit is about to happen ....

he left.

Jungkook left.

The pretty boy left and didn't tell anybody about where he had gone.

Taehyung woke up almost late in the morning, alone in The pretty boy's room. he thought that The pretty boy must be in his study, but no, he wasn't and that's not all.

His study room was left open. In two months, the elder did notice that Jungkook always keeps it locked.

he checked the kitchen and found everything out of its order. The utensils on the floor, glasses broken, all the cabinets and drawers open and everything thrown out of it. The pretty boy destroyed the whole place. he didn't even leave refrigerator.

Jungkook's shirt was still in its place though.

Fallen on the floor.

How did The elder slept through all of this?

he thought...he thought they finally made some progress with each other. he thought that maybe after last night The pretty boy might give him a chance with him and Taehyung might actually tell him... he is in lov---

but guess he was wrong.

Very, very wrong.

Last night was the best night of his life. To have The pretty boy in his arms, trembling in need and the way Jungkook moaned his name to go faster and faster

Jungkook was a prince. A prince who needs to be worshipped every way possible.

Taehyung wants to worship him every way possible. every day and every night.

Maybe later because there were bigger things in his hand right now.

It's been three hours since he woke up, two hours since he started panicking like a teenage girl who lost her earring and an hour since he has earned a punch from jimin.

Currently, he was pressing an ice pack on his face while the people in front of him shoot glares and making faces at him.

There's also a paper kept in the coffee table which Mr jeon brought from his hospital. All of us their sitting in the couch with a very dense atmosphere surrounding them.

There's also a man with them. The elder has never seen him before, but he was guessing he knows Jungkook.

"We gave you one chance with our son, Taehyung, one chance. You actually screwed it up." Mr jeon growled.

Did Taeyang also mention that jimin beat the truth out of him regarding what actually happened last night?

No? Well then, he did. Taehyung also have very aching muscles and he thinks he has broken one of his ribs.

That midget was strong.

The elder has few embarrassing moments in life, nothing compared to this. He clearly remembered his first embarrassing moment.

he accidentally wore his mother's panties when he was a kid. he was only three at that time but he do remember it. Cute little boy with very fat cheeks. There was this family he don't remember who they were their neighbors. They had come to their home for dinner and he-trying to be the big boy he thought he was told his mom that he can take a bath on his own.

Thirty minutes later, he was having dinner and that's when he felt itchy.

"Mama, my pee-pee itchy." The three-year-old of him whined.

A Chance To Make Things Right-(TaeKook- BXB) Cmplt✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt