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Jeongguk sits at the dining table in his apartment, poking a soggy piece of cereal with his spoon distractedly. It floats in his bowl, moving round in a circle as it bumps against the edge of the ceramic.

“I called Taehyung cute yesterday.” He frowns, looking at the milk.

Across the table, Namjoon sits there looking at him. He puts down his piece of toast and stares at his friend.


Jeongguk looks up in confusion.

“What do you mean “so”? I told him he was pretty and he laughed and said thank you. That's weird.”

“Is it? It seems like the normal response to a compliment.”

“Yeah, but this is Taehyung we’re talking about. The same guy who hit me in the face with a tennis ball just because I was late. The same guy who makes me hold his fucking banana peels when he’s done with them.” Jeongguk explains. “Normal doesn’t exist to that guy.”

“Maybe he’s just being friendly. Probably feels guilty or something.”

“He told me I was cute too. He even blushed! That goes waaayyy beyond the scope of guilt.”

“Does this mean you like him, then?” Namjoon asks with all the enthusiasm of a wet sponge.

Jeongguk drops his spoon and it clatters to the floor loudly.

“No?” He says, unconvincingly. “No I don’t.”


“Yeah dude - I can think someone’s cute without having a crush on them. I'm not 5 years old.” Jeongguk protests.

“I’m just letting you know, I don’t believe you.” Namjoon says, “Like, at all.”

“Haters believe what they want to believe.” Jeongguk mutters defensively. “You’re just jumping to conclusions.”

“Yeah, with definitive evidence.” Namjoon justifies, “You and him are joined at the hip.”

“That is not true!” Jeongguk squawks, “We literally argue all the time - I hate being near him.”

“Yeah right. That's why you guys left the soiree together and didn’t come back the rest of the night. You two were probably snogging in the kitchens.”

“For your information, dick-face, we actually left to go skateboarding. And I got to drive his car.” Jeongguk says smugly.

“Ok, and how many people does Taehyung let drive his car?”


“Which must mean he trusts you, right?”

“Well not really. He only let me drive because I had to take him back to his house after he hurt his ankle. It wasn’t like he had any choice – he couldn’t walk.”

“You went to his house?” Namjoon questions in shock.

“Yeah, but I had to carry him to his room and there were so many stairs and -”

“You carried him??”

“It’s not that-”

“Piggyback, Bridal or Fireman?” Namjoon asks.

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Answer the fucking question. Piggyback, Bridal or Fireman?” He demands.

“Bridal. B-But only because-”


“But Joon we never-”

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