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“You’re hurting me.” Taehyung complains loudly as Jeongguk carries him up the stairs to his front door. “Jeongguk that hurts – that’s right where my bruise is!”

“Well maybe if you stopped fucking moving around, I’d be able to hold you differently.” Jeongguk snaps back, “Act like a dog and I'll carry you like one. It also doesn’t help that it’s like a fucking Duke of Edinburgh expedition just to get to your front door. I can’t believe it’s been an entire 2 and a half minutes since we left the car and we’re still not inside.”

“How do you know it’s been 2 and a half minutes?”

“Because you’ve been humming Pennies from Heaven the entire time.”

“Shooby dooby.” Taehyung sings.

“Shooby shut the fuck up.”

“You’re mean.”

“I’m tired, that’s what. Gimme your keys so I can open the door.”




“Why the fuck not? I'll put you down on the floor and leave you here. Gimme your keys, Kim.”

“Not until you say please.”

Jeongguk rolls his eyes and begins removing his hands from around Taehyung’s body, beginning to release him onto the floor. Taehyung squawks as he falls towards the ground, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk’s neck desperately. He likes to think that the squeak he lets out is manly and dignified, but the smile on Jeongguk’s face unfortunately tells him otherwise.

Taehyung scowls and takes out his house keys from his pocket, handing them to Jeongguk who takes one look at them and scrunches his face up in horror.

“What?” Tae asks.

“Nothing. It's just that your keyrings are so fucking ugly that I'd actually somewhat prefer to stay outside if that means I never have to touch that crap in my life. I mean seriously, a Channel keyring? I know it’s expensive but it doesn’t make it any less tacky.”

“Oh, come on, they’re not that bad. Some high-end items I purchase come with these keyrings, and it’d be a waste to not use them.”

“Whatever you say, Gucci boy.” Jeongguk shrugs as he opens the door to the Kim Mansion and steps inside.

“Jesus Christ on a bicycle your house is fucking amazing.” He gawks in awe.

“Yeah yeah yeah, just put me down now.”

“Where? On the sofa? Or in your room?”

“Let’s just go to my room; it’ll be a hassle trying to get upstairs on my own."

“When I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I'd have to go on a hike today.” Jeongguk mutters under his breath as he looks at the obnoxiously large staircase that looms over him.

“You’re so dramatic – it's really not that many stairs. The sooner you start climbing, the sooner you can put me down.” Tae points out, and Jeongguk just sighs before slowly making his way up the stairs.

All 43 of them.

“I don’t even have stairs in my house. And nowhere other than high-rise buildings and blocks of flats ever have more than 20 steps.”

“How is that my problem?”

“I feel like I should be getting paid for this. I wonder if this is how that donkey felt when it carried Mary all the way to Bethlehem.” Jeongguk complains. “You’re heavy and my arms hurt.”

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