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"Fuck fuck fuck where's my fucking sock for fucks sake?!" Jeongguk cursed as he ran around his apartment, looking for his sock. "I took them both out of the washing machine yesterday and hung them out, why is only one here?" He questioned as he frantically searched. He really didn't want to be late, and he was probably going to be if he didn't find his sock and get his ass out the apartment in the next 10 minutes.

"Finally!" Jeongguk sighed as he found the offending sock, just chilling in the washing machine like it didn't just waste 5 whole minutes of his precious time. Just his luck, it was still wet.


He put on his remaining sock and shoe, before running to find his bag. An incessant pounding on the door made him roll his eyes and sigh, trudging towards the door, praying it was an over-enthusiastic postman, rather than an uninvited guest.

"Hello?" He said as he flung open the door. "How can I help?"

"You can start by turning your shirt the right way round."

"Yuna?" Jeongguk asked in confusion. "What are you doing here? I literally don't have time for you to visit me right now, I know it's summer but I'm busy."

"Gee, what a welcome." She said dryly, pusing past and inviting herself inside, "What a great brother you are."

"Why are you here, Yuna? I have to go to work right now."

"There's no one at home." She responded.

"So? You're 15, you can take care of yourself."

"No, Jeongguk. There's nobody at home. I don't know where mum fucked off to this time, but there hasn't been anyone at home for a week now, so I hopped on the train and came here."

"Fuck. What the fuck?" Jeongguk said in confusion. "How could she just leave?"

Jeongguk and Yuna were raised by a single mother, who could not care less about them. She was never present, physically and emotionally and Jeongguk had moved out the very day that he turned 18. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, and the only times he held a conversation with her was to ask about Yuna and that was it. That wretched woman was not to be trusted, and Jeongguk was fed up of her dodging her responsibilities as a parent.

"She said she'd come back after the summer, but I didn't wanna be alone for all that time. Plus I wanted permission to dye my hair." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Have you had breakfast?" Jeongguk sighed.

"Nope. Figured my strong, capable older brother would make me pancakes." She grinned. "Hey why do you smell kinda damp?"

"Long story." Jeongguk said. "Are you sure you're okay? Nothing bad happen to you on your way here?"

"Um, well I'm pretty sure my finger is broken." Yuna said as she held up her hand, index finger swollen and purpleish.

"What the fuck? How did that happen?"

"I shut my finger in the front door when I was leaving the house." She snorted. "I should be fine after going to A&E or something."

"There's a hospital about 5 minutes away from here, I'll take you." Jeongguk said.

"Nah, I'm all good."

"Yuna, let's go, okay? Rather go and get it fixed now than end up with a hook looking finger for the rest of your life." Jeongguk said. "I won't have time to stay there with you, so you have to make your way back once we're there."

"Yeah, that's fine." Yuna agreed, and so they left the appartment and walked down to the hospital, sitting down in the long A&E waiting room. 10 minutes passed and Jeongguk sighed and began to bounce his leg in aggitation.

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