24. Some Moments

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The other evening Jin was attending a solo event, while Hoseok had wanted to rest for the time being. He threw his phone way after sometime as he felt we could take some time off social media and appreciate other things in life.

His mind trailed off to Da-Som. He thought that he wanted to meet her again. The feeling to see her again was most definitely there.

He called her number and asked her where she is and if she is done with her classes for the day.

"I am actually at an adventure park right now." She still struggled to recover from the feeling of seeing his number show up on her phone screen.

"Oh! Are you with your.. I mean do you have company with you?" He wanted to ask boyfriend but dropped it.

"Am on my own, Hoseokshi." She answered.

"Why?" He was interested to know.

"What do you mean by why?" She couldn't understand the reason for his interest.

"I mean, you didn't go with your friends?"

"I.. I actually do not have friends here." She looked down at her feet.

"Can you share your location with me?"


"Just share your location with me."

She looked at her phone screen as she shared her location with him and locked her phone as he had ended the call from his side.


"Can you stay in one place?" He called her again after half an hour.

"But, I am in one place." She answered, eating the cotton candy in her other hand.

"No! You're just walking and walking. Stop and turn around!"

And she did.

And there he was.

She recognized him even when he had tried his best to conceal his appearance.

She took slow steps towards him, almost sure that he would disappear the moment she would reach him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him in almost a whisper, leaning towards him, afraid that the people around them would hear.

"Accompanying you." He replied in the same whispered voice.

"Is the security with you?" She asked, still not conscious that they were talking in whispers.


"Are you alright Hos.." She stopped, suddenly feeling that she shouldn't take his name.

"I am. Come on!" He casually held her hand and moved forward. She trailed behind him and looked at their hands. Still confused as to what exactly was going on.

"So, do you recommend any specific ride?" He asked as he looked about him, he was still holding onto her hand while she ate her cotton candy.

"That one!" She pointed and Hoseok looked at it with a bit of doubtful expression but he was up for giving it a shot.

"Alright." He was surprised that he agreed to it.

She offered him the cotton candy again but he refused.

"Aren't you afraid?" She muffled her laugh as Hoseok held her arm tightly on the ride.

"I am not, I just get a bit giddy." He defended himself.

Da-Som broke into laughter as they stepped down from the roller coaster and looked at him.

They found a bench at a far end of the walk and almost sank down in it. It was a small adventure park, where there were not people around, it was also a weekday.

"Look at you! You're definitely sour!" She laughed holding onto her tummy, as she looked at him again. He had yelled incoherent words while on the roller coaster ride.

Hoseok looked at her as she laughed, he rubbed the back of his neck feeling a bit embarrassed and then he joined in her laughter. It was kind of infectious.

Both suddenly stopped, they hadn't realized that sitting onto the bench their faces had come somewhat close to each other. She could see the way his eyes were shining and he could see the childlike innocence in hers.

Both leaned back as they realized it. Hoseok's still still held hers, which he had held onto while breaking into laughter with her.

"You.. you are older, even then." She said as she felt a bit conscious now and she tried to lighten up the atmosphere between them.

"Yeah, I am.. Am older." He somehow took away more than what this sentence was supposed to mean and withdrew his hand.

"I should keep in mind that I am much older to you."

Da-Som looked at him, he had said it with much seriousness and his tone had suddenly changed as he had said it.

"So, I wanted to ask you something."

"Yes." She said, shifting a bit afar from him.

"Do you.. Are you seeing someone right now?"


He only nodded.

Both agreed that they should leave now.


Love Series #3: And I Found Love | Jung HoseokWhere stories live. Discover now