18. Let's get it, again!

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Da-Som looked at the doors through which she had been walking into this building for these last eight months. She felt hesitant and contemplated whether she should go in or just send in her resignation letter. She shifted on her feet, took a deep breath and did what she was best at, some pep-talk for herself.

Come on Som-Som, you can still do it. I guess. Try. Don't run away, probably you won't be even able to. Lol. Shut up, Som-Som.

It was almost after a month that she was back at her desk. Normally it took her 2 minutes to walk to her desk, today it took her ten.
She looked at her tiny cactus plant, it looked hydrated, she wondered if someone had actually cared to water it.

It was also then that she lifted her eyes from the floor to look around her, she knew that people's eyes were over her. She gulped a little and putting her back-pack on her desk, she carefully sat into her chair. She thought that she couldn't possibly risk tripping over now.

Choi walked to her chair, she slowly stood up and bowed to him.

"Glad to have you back here, Da-Som. We all missed you." He said with a cheery smile.

Da-Som smiled back at him too, though she was doubtful of people around him missing her as no one had actually bothered to talk to her.

"Hoseok-shi would be free in an hour, go see him after that."

"All right." She nodded.

"Please let me know where do I begin from." She then added.

"There's loads of work to do, the shooting for the new solo album has started."

"All right, I'll pick up fast." She was already aware that by this time the shooting would have begun.

"Who watered my plant, Choi-nim?" She asked as Choi was moving away.

"Who else but me, you thankless child!" He jokingly mocked her.

"Thank you, manager-nim." She bowed to him and she felt so much better.


She hesitatingly knocked at his door and upon hearing his reply she entered his studio.

"Anyong, Hoseok-shi" She said in a soft voice.

Hoseok turned from his desk and looked towards the door, he had recognized that voice.

"Shorty!" He walked up to her. He had a sunshine smile on his lips.

"Am so glad to see you! How you doing?" He reached out and ruffled her hair.

"I am doing fine now, thank you for the flowers and for checking up on me." She replied, still thinking of the feel of his hand on top of her head.

"That's all right!" He smiled again and took a long glance at her.

"Good to have you on board again and you have to be there on the shoots too, everyday, no excuses."

"Sure Hoseok-shi, I will be." She somehow managed to reply, it was not everyday that she had seen him in such a jovial mood.

"Great! Please send in my coffee, please, can you? Am dying to have the coffee made by you."

"Sure, Hoseok-shi, I'll just bring it in a while." She bowed again and turned to leave, carefully again.

He is so joyful because he is finally able to begin his solo-album shooting. She thought as she stirred the coffee.

Am actually happy to see this child back. He thought for a moment, then shook his head. The sunshine smile still played on his lips.


Da-Som was slowly getting back to normal, literally and figuratively.

As her next week started, it took her exactly eight minutes to reach her desk. She was still cautious, hesitant and was actually not able to look around her as she usually did before. She felt the piercing, mocking gaze of the two girls who had mocked her right after joining here about tripping over Hoseok.

"So finally you have succeeded at much cheaper things, you will now gain his sympathy and then.." They mocked her one day in the rest-room.

Da-Som couldn't think of a reply as her throat got choked, she just heard them walk away, disgustingly laughing at her.

Som-Som, don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

Chanting to herself, she had come back to her desk. There really was a lot of work to do and she was making sure that she gives it her best.


It was a team-meeting, she got late by five minutes as she didn't really gave thought to the thing that it might take her longer than before to be in the meeting room.

She apologized and took her seat.

"You know, this is why, you shouldn't anymore ask Da-Som to bring you chilled water, it would be warm by the time she'll bring it to you." A senior assistant said and everybody laughed.

Tears pricked at the back of her eyes, she didn't want to cry.

Som-som, meeting room is not the place to cry.

She tried her best but the tears swarmed in her eyes.

"I want your resignation on my desk in five minutes. That's the most I can stand you." She heard a well familiar voice behind her.

Everybody went dead silent and stood up, she also slowly tried to get up.

"Keep sitting, Da-Som." She heard and sat down again.

"Just state that you're a jerk who doesn't deserve to work with other people and hence are fired from your job. In five minutes, your resignation." The voice held anger.

"As for the others who laughed at this pathetic statement, I want an apology letter addressed to her on my desk from all of you, in five minutes time."

"MAKE A MOVE! Didn't you all hear?"

Everybody cleared out.

Da-Som looked straight ahead, as tears rolled down her cheeks, silently. She dared not turn her chair and look at his face, though he could see his reflection in the glass-pane.

"It's all right, Shorty!" He softly said and patted her head before walking out of the room.


Love Series #3: And I Found Love | Jung HoseokWhere stories live. Discover now