1. Let's Get it!

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'This job is only for an year, why would you like to take it up?' The interviewer asked her.

'Am a fresh graduate, just starting out in life, I think it would be a good opportunity for me to learn and grow! I would totally like to take it up!'

'So, you would use it solely for your own advantage?' The way the interviewer looked at her, made Da-Som nervous.

'No Ma'am! I would definitely give it my best!'

'There are other candidates who are willing to give it their best too! Why should we hire you?'

'Yes Ma'am, there might be! But still, they're not me! I fit in the job profile perfectly, Ma'am!'

'Have you got any prior experience?'

'Yes Ma'am! I have been doing part-time jobs since quite sometime now, they are listed on my resume and I have also got some references for your kind perusal.' She indicated towards the papers that were laid out in front of the interviewer.

'This would perhaps be my eleventh interview!' She announced to no-one in particular once she was outside on the street and kicked the light pole, but the next moment she winced in pain, 'Sorry! Sorry! I will not hurt you again!' She jumped on one leg, apologizing to the foot with which she had just kicked the pole!

The interviewer chuckled at her from inside her car, 'the girl is childish, but confident! She would be able to take up the responsibilities and anyways I would be back to the job after my maternity leave.'

Da-Som was informed after a week that she was selected for the job and the location where she had to report the day next would be shared with her

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Da-Som was informed after a week that she was selected for the job and the location where she had to report the day next would be shared with her.

This had called for celebration! She hung out with her friends all evening and then called it a day early, so that she be on time on her first full-time job!

'What the bloody hell!' She stared at the location she had just received on her phone, as she woke up the next day.

'H. Ent.', She read and re-read that many times! Her eyes were ready to pop out anytime!

Once outside the sprawling building, to view the top of which she had to crane her neck, she hesitatingly made an entrance there, totally sure that there has been some sort of a mistake!

But somehow, she wasn't thrown out, rather someone had escorted her to the third floor of the building and she was waiting to meet the person she would be working under.

Da-Som's heart was pounding in her chest! 'There's some mistake! They'll turn me out of here once they found out!'

'Am Haneul!' The lady whom she had seen at the interview was before her, extending her hand to her!

'Anyong! Am Da-Som!' She bowed and respectfully shook her hand.

'Congratulations for your job! You'll be under my charge for sometime and assist Manager Choi till I come back from my leave. Come, let me introduce you to Mr. Choi, who is Hoseokshi's manager and he is very particular about things, so make a very careful note of what all I tell you!'

She lead the way and Da-Som followed her, like a puppy! She was still trying to overcome the fact that Haneul exudes a perfectionist aura from each direction and she couldn't make any meaning of the words said after, 'He is Hoseokshi's manager!'

Nevertheless she followed her out of the waiting area.

Manager Choi looked at her from top to bottom, Da-Som gulped a little but kept her smile plastered on her face. He gave her the same feeling as her school teachers, who would nod at her with disapproval!
She tried her best to make sense of the things that he told her. All she could remember was, 'iced coffee, schedules, strict timings, no non-sense!' She again nodded like a puppy who was going to get its favorite treats!

'Seriously! of all the candidates you all had to pick out this child? I should have been there!' Choi rolled his eyes at Haneul.

'See! She'll be good! She is 22 and not a child! You don't give her a tough time! We didn't advertise it in the name of this company otherwise we would have received thousands of applications! Also, this job is for one year only, so we didn't have many candidates and just look at her! She seems so genuine! I'll teach her! Don't worry!' Haneul explained to him in her all-things-in-control manner, after she had asked Da-Som to go the waiting area again.

'I hope she doesn't burn this place down!'

'Oh, come on! She'll be fine!'

'Was the waiting area in this corridor or that one?' Da-Som looked from left to the right!

Confidently turning into the wrong one she marched ahead, after a few steps there was a hall, she casually looked into it as she passed by and gasped!

Her eyes became saucers! 'Is that.. is that..?' She thought and just then she heard her name being called out.

'What are you doing there, Da-Som?' Haneul called out to her.

Da-Som almost ran back to her, trying to bring her eyes to the normal size.

'Let me show you to your cabin!' Haneul led the way, she followed.

'It couldn't be Taehyung!' She debated with herself, silently tracing Haneul's footsteps!

'The person isn't even real!' She was afraid that Haneul would hear her heartbeats!

'Calm down! Calm down! Let's get it, Som-Som!!' She licked her lips.

Love Series #3: And I Found Love | Jung HoseokTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon