Chapter - 79

Beginne am Anfang

Akhil came inside and called Jhanvi to meet the doctor as the mother has arrived. Jhanvi with a heavy heart left the nursery and joined Akhil and reached the doctor's cabin where mother was waiting with a lawyer.

Doc: Mother, the baby is completely fine and we will give the reports regarding her health check up at the time of birth. Lawyer must know to process these details so he will let you know further on this. 

Lawyer: Doctor, we will take care of that. I have got the papers ready so we shall proceed and finish this now. I want your signature too because there should not be any probem in the future. Also we need witness signatures.

Akh: That will be done so don't worry about that.

Lawyer gave the papers to doctor and he signed wherever required. Later the papers where given to Akhil and Jhanvi and Akhil nudged her to sign. Jhanvi's hand trembled as she lifted the pen but she shut her eyes tight and then opened before bringing the courage and signing the papers. Following her Akhil signed them and then passed it to mother who happily signed it.

Akh: Thank you doctor everything is done. Please inform the nurse the baby.

Doctor called the nurse and informed to bring the baby and when she arrived, he took the baby and gave her to mother who happily got her and kissed her forehead.

Jhanvi sobbed looking at the baby in mother's arms who was cooing her fondly. She turned to leave but Akhil held her wrist and nodded no and cocked his eyebrows at her to look towards mother. Jhanvi's eyes grew wide when she saw mother's hand stretching towards her with baby and signalling to carry in her hands. Jhanvi saw Akhil who was now smiling.

Akh: What are you waiting for angel ? Take our daughter in your arms now. Lets take our princess to our home.

Jha: Akhil ? those papers ???

Akh: Adoption papers. She is now daughter of Akhil Chakravarthy and Jhanvi Akhil Chakravarthy. Let us choose a name later and get it registered.

Jhanvi smiled hearing it and took the baby in her arms and kissed her forehead.

Mother: You will be a best mother to her and I m seeing it already Mrs. Akhil. The baby is in the safest hands and she will spoiled with both your love. Stay happy forever. God bless you.

They all came out of the doctor's room and mother along with lawyer left from there and Akhil watched Jhanvi's happy face.

Akh: Congratulations let me hold my princess. I m waiting too mommy.

Jha: Congratulations daddy..

Jhanvi gave the baby to Akhil and hugged his arm looking at the baby.

Akh: Look at your mamma princess, I had to wait so long to see this smile on her face so bad right. Lets punish her after returning home.

Jhanvi took the baby back from him and they went to their car. Akhil opened the door for her and she sat slowly holding the baby in her arms. Akhil started driving but this time he was completely silent and Jhanvi entwined her fingers with his.

Akh: How did you not believe me angel ? Did you thought that I will give the baby away to someone ? Did you really thought I will deny to adpot the baby for us and most importantly why are you hesitating to ask me anything when you have the sole right to order me to do anything. I felt hurt really Jaan. 

Jha: I m sorry Akhil. Its not that like I did not trust you but I did not want to force my wish on you. How can I expect you to accept a baby which is not our blood and I felt I might hurt your feelings with my wish. 

Akh: It broke me completely when I saw you crying the whole yesterday. I made everything ready even before you asked me not because that you wanted her as our daughter but I myself felt she deserved to be our daughter and only our daughter. She is born for us and to be spoiled by us with all our love. She is our princess.

Jha: I m sorry Akhil. Please forgive me. please on sake of our daughter's arrival forgive me.

Akh: Today is specia day since our princess is arriving our home so I m excusing you but don't expect me to forgive everytime. I will sure punish you.

They reached the penthouse and Kamala was standing with a arthi plate and invited them inside after taking evil eyes for them. The whole living was decorated with balloons to invite the little angel and everyone started fighting to take the cutie pie in their hands. Finally Jhanvi laid the baby on the couch and all looked at her with all their love for her.

Ram: She is looking like an angel cute my god....

Akh: She is mine and my angel's daughter so little angel right Jaan ?

They saw her waking up from sleep with a frown and Kamala quickly went to the kitchen and prepared the baby formula and brought the feeding bottle and gave it to Jhanvi who took the baby in her arms and fed her slowly. Once the baby finished she hugged her to shoulder and patted lightly until the baby burped.

Akhil was recording everything along with Kabir and Sanjay and saw Jhanvi's face which had the real glow holding the baby in her arms.

Sanjay: I m officially shifting here permanently. I can't stay away from this cutie pie anymore. And moreover I m her mama and has all rights to keep her with me.

Kabir: Then what will I do, pluck mangoes is it. I will too stay here. DOT.

Ram and Vishal along with Isha and Kamala stood rooted on staying in the penthouse and started fighting. Akhil took baby in his arms and walked away to their room with Jhanvi tailing behind him.

Isha patted Sanjay's shoulder and pointed towards them leaving with baby and they abruptly stopped fighting.

Kab: He doesn't even let us have time with our sister and now he started with baby too. Manushane illa avan.

San: After he reach office we shall come here don't worry. Always we have our own ways.

Ram: Or we shall take her to office and have her all time with us.

Ram, Kabir and Sanjay hified while Isha, Vishal and Kamala pouted at them for the ideas. Jhanvi entered the room and felt goosebumps to see the room all ready with all the required things for the baby. A cradle next to their bed, toys for the little one was placed on the table and a feeding bottle sterilizer and kettel to prepare baby formula anytime instead of running to kitchen. She moved to the closet and a cute little wardrobe in the corner which had dresses and all baby essentials.

She saw Akhil who was already looking at her and winked at her. She placed the sleeping angel in the cradle and they squatted admiring her.



Many must have guessed this and please give your comments on this update.

Lets see how they manage to get along with the baby in the next chapter.

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