2 • 121 • 133

Start from the beginning

In their eyes, she had always been an immature teenage girl. Such a person, could she receive trust from others properly without making them feeling worried? Even if they weren't worried whether she would fail the task or not, they were worried if she would get hurt. Because children were usually clumsy.

'In the past, I was too afraid of growing up. I don't want to be people like mother and father,' she thought. 'But I know, growing up a little doesn't seem to be too bad.'

She looked again at the blue- haired man and continued, 'And they could trust me more.'

'But it is fine, for things are not too late yet. I still have the time to prove that I'm not entirely a small child already.'

"Anyway, you come here on your own? The others couldn't possibly be following you and get lost, right?"

"Of course no," he answered.

"I see," she replied.

Khun looked at her for a moment before he flicked her forehead.

"What was that for again?" Charlotte asked, holding her forehead like usual after he flicked it.

"You are a troublemaker," he answered. "And a troublesome one."

Charlotte put her hands on her waist and argued with him, "I've said that I'll be back soon. I just need to talk with my sworn enemy first. I've asked my permission for brother!"

"Yes but I don't think Bam ever said that he gave you that permission," Khun argued back. "You just ran without explaining things to us. How can we be sure that you are not doing anything stupid?"

Charlotte glared at Khun. Of course, not really in a hostile way, but to show her unhappiness as she crossed her arms.

 "Can you please not always treat me like a child? I'm no longer six, okay? People from my world, at my age, is already dating and married. I don't always need permissions to do something and to go anywhere."

"Dating? Marriage?"

She nodded her head. It was the truth and a fact. And when she nodded her head, Khun looked somehow displeased.

"You're too young for that."

She felt that an arrow hit her chest. Too young? That was the last thing she expected to hear coming from a Khun Aguero Agnes who was usually rational and put his brain in front of his feelings and actions. Someone as smart as him couldn't tell how old she was? And even said her young? Was that a mockery?

"I'm already more than twenty years old and you're saying that I'm too young for those things? Who believes that?"

"Bam," he answered without slightest, tiny bit of hesitation.


She couldn't argue about that.

The sudden glow from the sky above distracted them from their arguments as they looked at the sky. The first miracle that they saw after being reunited with each other was that some words, colored in white, were written on the sky.

 [ Congratulations for conquering your fear and reuniting with each other again ]

The sentence started with congratulations and good- will that made Charlotte smiled. Now that she had regained the approval of her sworn enemy, she could leave this place.

"We're going to go home soon..." she spoke with sincere happiness.

Khun looked at Charlotte who was smiling. Although it was nice to see her smile, he couldn't bring himself to smile at this moment.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now