Chapter 15

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"Oh.. Violet." Cameron said as he noticed me.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something here?" I said, sitting on the couch, next to Cameron.

"No" Bay said, "Is Cameron your boyfriend?" she asked.

I was about to say No, but Cameron beat me and said, "Yea, we're dating." I gave him a 'what the hell' look. Daphne walked in then said, "Cmon Bay we have to head to the hotel and sign in,"

Bay stood up and said, "Oh right. Okay." Bay, Daphne and Jace said their goodbyes and left. I closed the door and punched Cameron in the arm. "WE, ARE NOT DATING!" I yelled.

"Woah damn, calm down." he said, holding onto my arms. "Why are you freaking out?"

"Because I don't like lying to my friends." I said, "Why did you say we're dating?"

"Here." he said and then brought me to the couch, "I'm helping you." he said as we sat down.

"How? I'm lying to my friend."

"We're gonna make that Jace kid feel bad for hurting you. He broke your heart and he doesn't have the right to do that."

"Cameron if this is about that girl that broke yours...."

"It's not, I don't like to see anyone go through what I did, we're gonna make that Jace kid pay for hurting you."

"What's your plan? Make him jealous?" I asked.

"Exactly, you can make a guy go crazy by making him jealous."



"Is that why you went all bad boy?"

"Why do you want to know so much about me?"

"Well you do have to be nicer to me if we're gonna go through with this plan Cameron."

"Well they aren't here right now, soooo just saying."

"Just tell me Cameron."

"Fine" He said. I clapped my hands and jumped in my seat, cheering that I finally annoyed him enough for him to tell me what happened. "There was this girl.... her name was Tia." he started saying, "we started to date and after about 2 years..."

"Two years? Wow...." I said.

"Yea, after about 2 years, I found out she's been cheating on me for the past year... I found out with this tweet on Twitter, that she slept with this guy... for over 20 times. And when I confronted her.... there was a lot of yelling... and a lot of swearing and... she broke my heart... and broke up with me. She even said I was the one cheating, which I wasn't." he said. He looked like he was a bout to tear up and I pulled him into a hug.

"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?" he asked.

"I feel like your warming up to me more if I do it." I said, telling half of the truth. I think... I think i'm starting to have feelings for him...

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