Chapter 8

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Her reply was surprising, it scared me, but it didn't at the same time. I didn't know what to say.

"He loves you." Sierra said, "He's never looked at anyone like the way he looks at you, he thinks you'll hurt him... like that girl from the past." I was speechless. She continued, "He has feelings for you, but he doesn't want to admit them."

*The next day, in the afternoon*

I heard a knock on the door and I ran over opening it. I saw Cameron. I immediately got nervous. "Uh... Hi." I said.

"My mom's making me show you around the city, let's go." he said.

"Can I change first?"

"Whatever." he said. I took his reply as a yes, then went back upstairs into my room. I changed into a black crop top and some high waisted shorts. I put on my white converse then some subtle makeup. I walked back downstairs and Cameron and I entered his car. Cameron started driving, "Where are we heading?" I asked.

"Sh, don't disturb the driver." he shushed me.

"I just wan-"

"NO!" He almost yelled, "Stop it, I'm driving." he said. I stopped talking and he continued driving. The drive seemed like eternity, a silent eternity. He pulled up to a parking spot and we walked up the dirt hill. I immediately saw the Hollywood sign and I was amazed. "Woah...." I said.

"Nice view huh?" Cam asked. I nodded, "It's beautiful."

"It honestly is, i love coming here.... Especially when problems occur."

"Like me?"

"eh, kinda." he said. I sat down on the bench, facing the sign and Cameron sat down next to me. We both looked at the sign. "I've always wanted to come here, and see the sign." I said, "It's so much better in person compared to all the photos."

"It is." he said, "I grew up in a town nearby here, I loved coming here." he said. I think he's loosening up.

"I have a question... " I said. "You need to answer it honestly though. Okay?" I said.

"I'll try my best." he replied.

Well.. here it goes.

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