Chapter 28

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I kicked my shoes off near the door and was stretching my arms and back while I walked towards the staircase. The day felt extremely long and I was ready to take a nice hot shower. Saturdays were by far the longest work days, tomorrow wouldn't be as bad but it could still be very busy. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to the bathroom. Not even bothering to grab a change of clothes on the way. I would just wear my towel. I turned the shower on, took my clothes off while it heated up then stepped in. The hot water pouring over me felt incredible. When I finished I headed to the bedroom.

"Now I can't decide which I like seeing on you better, my clothes or that towel" Steve said, smirking from the doorway.

"Well your clothes are more comfortable than the towel," I replied.

I turned back to my bag to grab pajamas, I pulled on the shorts once I found them then dropped the towel to pull my tank top over my head. I picked up my hairbrush and began brushing my hair. When I had finished and turned around Steve was still at the door, he had just been watching me silently. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck smiling. He wrapped an arm around my waist and put a hand at my neck to pull me close for a kiss. It started off slow and sweet, but as we continued it heated up and one thing led to another. I was straddled over Steve on the bed, his hands on my hips as we kissed. Every touch, kiss and word he spoke made me feel like I was on cloud nine.


My eyelids were heavy now, my body still laying on Steve as the blankets were over us. His arms were wrapped around me and I could feel his breathing slow as he was falling asleep.

"Thank you for being so gentle and patient," I said.

"It was worth the wait, and I will never do anything that will hurt you or pressure you" he replied as one of his hands began to move through my hair.

"Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you. That you shouldn't have to be so patient."

"I think patience is exactly what I have been lacking all these years and it is one of the reasons every relationship I had failed. You've helped change me into a better man, so thank you."

"I love you" I picked my head up to look at him.

"I love you too."

I didn't want to return home the next day, but unfortunately I had to after work. The weekend was over and Steve's parents would be coming home. I did take one of Steve's shirts home, he said I could and I did exactly that. The first half of the week went by slowly, routine was the same of course. School then work. But half way through the week Robin had to go and point something out that made me get all up in my head. She said that Steve and I had been a lot more handsy since our weekend together and it made me go spiraling thinking that the kids had also caught on and I was not ready for their reactions. I tried to not show my worry but by the end of the week Steve had seen it, we had gone to Lover's Lake after work one night and I was very quiet as we sat on the hood of his car looking at the stars.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

"What if Robin is right and we have been touching each other a lot more intimately and the kids have seen it?" the words just spilled out.

"So what if they all know? They will either joke about it or make a comment about being scarred thinking of us, their 'parents' having sex."

"And Nancy? She's had sex with you, she was not happy with us together at first. What if she still has feelings for you? What if she wonders which of us you liked it with better?"

Unintended (Steve Harrington x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα