Chapter 22

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The end of the month had come far too fast, school was well underway but it didn't keep us all from helping Joyce pack the truck to move. Steve and Jonathan were moving all the furniture, Nancy and I assisting where needed. The kids were inside getting all the last minute things into boxes. When it was all loaded everyone was now outside of the house. This was a place that so much had happened at. The goodbyes began, everyone hugging. I hugged Will first and told him to not give up on his art and that I expected to see some of it every now and again. I hugged Joyce and then Eleven.

"If you ever need anything El, or someone for advice if Joyce is working you call me okay? You have my number, right?" I said after I pulled away. She nodded and thanked me.

I turned to Jonathan, saving him for last. He was the first person I met in Hawkins, the first to help me out. Here he was leaving, instead of me.

"This is usually the part where I am the one saying goodbye because I am leaving" I said as we hugged. My arms were around his neck and his at my waist.

"Well you'll just have to stick around this time I guess," he said.

I sniffled softly, sad to see them all go "You were the first person I met here, my first friend when I hadn't planned on making any. I'm gonna miss you" I said.

We hugged for longer than planned but it was hard to let go, this was emotional for me. I had told myself years ago to not get attached but I did the exact opposite. I grew close to these people and now four of them are leaving.

"Write often okay? I'll watch out for Nancy" we pulled away now and I stepped back wiping my nose on my sleeve.

I felt Steve's hand on my shoulder, while Nancy hugged Jonathan again. I put an arm around Max as she came to stand next to me after saying goodbye to Eleven. Mike and Nancy of course were taking it the hardest, being separated from their respective girlfriend and boyfriend. We all waved as the Byers and El got into the car and truck and pulled away. Nancy, Mike and Lucas went in Nancy's car while Steve was taking myself, Dustin and Max. Steve was a bit quiet as we all got into the car. He wasn't that close to any of them so I was curious about his silence.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I gently took his hand that was resting on the console.

"You uh hugged Jonathan for a long time there" he replied.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss him. He was the first person I met when I moved here and we grew close."

He nodded but didn't speak.

"Steve, are you jealous?"

He glanced at me and I could tell that he was, I tried to not laugh at this. Steve is jealous of Jonathan Byers.

"Nancy did start dating him not long after we had broken up, and you were hugging him a bit too long to just be friends" he said looking at me briefly before back at the road.

"Are you afraid that Jonathan has more game than you?" Max asked from the back seat.

"What? No. I forgot you two were back there," Steve replied.

"I am just friends with Jonathan," I replied.

"We were just friends at one point too," he said.

"Fair point, but trust me. I don't like him that way. I only have eyes for you" I said leaning over to kiss his cheek. "I love you and only you."

"You guys said I love you already and I wasn't told?" Dustin piped in from the back.

"I don't have to tell you everything Henderson," Steve said.

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