Chapter 20

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Steve and I have been together for about a month and a half now and I was invited to dinner at his house with his parents. I have never met his dad, and only briefly met his mother once months ago as just his friend. So I was nervous, and afraid of what they would think of me. Steve picked me up and as he was driving to his house I was nervously playing with a bracelet on my wrist. It was something my dad had brought back with him from a time he spent overseas stationed there briefly when I was younger.

"It'll be fine, they're going to love you" Steve assured me as he took my hand in his as he drove.

"What if they don't? What if I do or say the wrong thing?" I replied.

"You won't, unless you keep stressing about it. You're the one with the army dad, who shoots guns for practically a living. How could you be nervous about meeting my boring parents?"

Steve knew how to make me less nervous, he could get me to laugh or smile when I was too nervous to. We parked, Steve got out and opened my door. I picked up the flowers that were in my lap. I brought them to give to his mom, my Nana suggested. He took my free hand, we walked up to the house and then inside.

"We're here," Steve said as he closed the door.

"We're in the living room dear," his mom replied.

I took another breath then walked with him to the living room. His dad had the newspaper open and his mom was putting some appetizers on the table between the couches. Here goes nothing...I gave his mom the flowers and she loved them, there was small talk and they asked about myself and my family. I said my dad is in the army, they liked that. Dinner was ready by the time the small talk was over. As we ate they asked about grades and my hobbies. I answered as honestly as I could but left the D&D playing out. Then they began to compare me to Nancy Wheeler.

"What is your dream college?" his mom asked.

"I don't have one," I replied.

"I believe that Nancy's college of choice is Emerson. She is a very smart girl."

"She is."

They both continued to talk about Nancy, and every little thing I said they compared to her. From my clothes, to the words I used. I was beginning to get overwhelmed. I was not going to let it show though, I was not going to let them get to me. I gripped at my jeans, my choice of clothing of course was not something that Nancy wore around them. I cursed myself internally for not putting more thought into my outfit.

"Steve, do you remember that Christmas dinner Nancy spent with us? She was such a help in the kitchen."

I began to tune out most of the words, nodding my head and being polite. Finally dinner was over, Steve and I were heading for the door.

"It was lovely to officially meet you Rachel, please come by anytime" his mom said.

"Thank you, it was wonderful meeting you both as well."

Then finally we were alone in the car. I was silent practically the whole time he was driving towards my house. I was afraid if I spoke my emotions would take over.

"You're awfully quiet over there," Steve said as he glanced at me while pulling up to a stoplight and he took my hand.

"Your parents really like Nancy it seems," was my reply.

"Yeah, she was the first girlfriend I actually had them meet."

I nodded but stayed quiet.

"Hey, talk to me" he began to drive again as the light changed.

"I have never been compared to someone so much in one night, almost everything I said was compared to Nancy."


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