Chapter 12

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Third Person POV

The next day Steve and Dustin were doing spy-craft stuff, looking for Russian's in the mall. Steve was complaining about seeing one of the girls he had flirted with a few days ago with another guy and then talked about standards.

"I don't get why you're looking at girls anyway, you have the perfect one right in front of you" Dustin said.

"If you say Rachel again" Steve began

"Rachel, Rachel, Rachel."

"No, don't."

"Rachel, Rachel."

"Stop, no."



"Rachel King"


"You talked about her for a week straight after prom, you wouldn't shut up."

"I don't think she's into me like that, besides Scott was her first boyfriend so she's probably not over him."

"Dude, she let you hold her hand yesterday. She could have easily pulled away but didn't."

"We're friends, what we have is working. I don't want to screw that up man."


When I had finished at work I headed to Scoops Ahoy and as soon as I had entered Dustin grabbed my hand and pulled me after Steve and Robin who were going somewhere. Next thing I know we are outside and it looks like it might rain. Steve put his raincoat on me before we went to the roof of the building then it began to pour. I pulled the hood up on the coat, it was pretty big on me but I appreciated that he was dealing with the rain soaking him so that I could stay relatively dry. They filled me in on what Robin discovered and then Dustin was calling things out as he found them, deliveries for certain places in the mall and that the people around were heavily armed. We accidentally made noise on the roof and had to quickly duck down. As we did I didn't realize at first but I had grabbed Steve's hand, he didn't let it go either until we had all began to crawl to not be caught. We were now back inside and heading through the back of the mall talking as we headed to leave the mall from the front doors for the night.

The next day I had off of work but still had Steve pick me up so that I could help with the Russian stuff. I was in the back of Scoops Ahoy sitting next to Steve as Dustin came in talking about the guards and we were trying to figure out a plan.

"I could just take him out," Steve said.

"Take who out?" Robin asked.

"The Russian guard. I sneak behind him, knock him out and take the key card."

"Did you miss the massive gun part?" Dustin asked.

He and Dustin then got into it about the fights Steve has been in over the past two years and how he lost them and I chimed in.

"To be fair the one with Billy he did manage to save me so that goes in Steve's favor" I said as I gently rubbed my neck at the memory.

They continued back and forth and I saw Robin was looking at something but before I could notice what it was she was gone, grabbed the cash from the tip jar and just left. Before long she was back with blueprints to the mall and began talking about the air ducts. We then all looked at the one in the room that could work for getting into the room the Russians were guarding.

Steve had unscrewed and opened the air vent then came down the ladder. We had to figure out then who was going to go in it, Steve began to eye me up and down lingering a bit longer at my chest.

"33-26-34," I said looking at him.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"My body measurements, since you are obviously curious. I can be more simple for you, I wear a 32B."

He blushed, I don't recall ever seeing him turn red so fast, maybe I thought too much into his looking at me.

"I was just wondering if you would fit inside cause you're like the tiniest, I was not meaning to stare at your uh..."

"Boobs, you can say the word. Move over," I said, making my way to the ladder and starting up it. I began to get inside the vent, I heard Dustin saying something about my butt to Steve.

"I once got an up close look at his ass so it's only fair he gets a chance at mine" I said inside the vent.

"Wait what?" Robin and Dustin both said.

"After her boyfriend dumped her I refused to let her just sit and cry so I threw her over my shoulder and took her for ice cream. She could have from the first moment not looked at it but that was up to her."

I heard Dustin muttering something to Steve along the lines of 'that's something you should tell me about' but I didn't understand. I squeezed in a bit more but my hips were not going to work.

"So uh, good news and bad news guys. Bad news I'm stuck"

"What's the good news?" Robin asked.

"One of you gets the chance to get very personal with me to pull me out."

"I swear I was not trying to size you up or stare at you" I heard Steve's voice as he was on the bottom of the ladder behind me now before I felt his arms around me to pull.

"Just pull Sailor, it's getting hard to breathe."

He pulled me enough that I could wiggle out easier and I climbed down the ladder before stepping on the floor again. Dustin offered to try since he had something with his collarbone, he got in and was telling Steve to push his butt to help him in but it didn't work. Robin spotted Erica at the counter, and looked at me while the boys were struggling. I shrugged. "Worth a shot" I told her and we walked to the counter. We then practically bribed her with ice cream, she asked for more fudge on her sundae and Steve looked at her.

I took the dish and said "Come on sailor."

I went with him to put even more fudge on it. When we had come back, Dustin and Robin got her to do it. That night the three of us were on the roof again while Erica went in the air vent. We used walkie talkies to stay in touch. She made it inside, we got off the roof and joined her. Steve cut open one of the boxes and inside we saw what looked like canisters of some kind. Steve told everyone to stand back. Robin and Erica backed up but Dustin and I didn't budge.

"Step back," Steve told us.

"No," I said and he looked at me.

"If you die, I die" Dustin replied and I nodded.

Steve pulled one of the canisters out and it looked like it had a green liquid colored substance inside. As we were all looking at it trying to figure out what it was the room started to move, it's not just a room but an elevator. It felt like it sped up and we were freaking out a bit, it came to a very quick stop that none of us were prepared for. I tripped on a box that had fallen over and began to fall into Steve who caught me.

"You could have just asked me to hold you, you didn't have to literally throw yourself" he said smirking and I hit him in the chest.

Then Steve and Robin began arguing and Erica was saying something about her friend and then a party. Steve was shouting again and I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Dustin pointed up and there was a hatch we could try to get out of here and thought we could maybe climb our way out but that was not happening. We were stuck. Spending the night in a Russian elevator who knows how far down under the mall. Everyone got comfortable falling asleep but I could not. I was laying on my side, I turned over to face where Steve was only a few feet away.

"Steve, are you awake?" I whispered.

"Yeah," Steve whispered back.

"I can't sleep."

"We can talk about how to get out of here."

I nodded and quietly scooted over to be closer to him while he turned to be on his side facing me. We spent hours talking about how to get out of here and as time went on my eyes grew heavy until they closed and I fell asleep.

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