A Contract That Ends All Contracts

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Abbreviations used:
Y/n: Your name
A/n: Author's note
Italics: Inner thoughts


"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out."


Xiao's POV

I reached one of the peaks where I spotted  the Adepti, alongside Morax, surrouding.. Y/n... Everything that happened 2 months just clicked.

With my power of swiftness, I picked Y/n up, pushing them out of the way of Morax's attack.

"Xiao! They are a threat to Liyue, you must carry out your duty-"

"My duty.. the contract was broken upon your feigned death. It is your contract to end all contracts. This happened to Y/n partly because of you, don't you think it's irresponsible of you to just get rid of them without trying to bring them back. If it happened to me.. you'd do the same.. we were nothing but a tool to you.. you're no different from Her.."

"Adeptus Y/n." The Adepti gather around said in sync with one another. I turn to see Y/n having a migraine.

"Xiao.." Y/n groaned in pain as they got down on their knees and grasp their strands of hair from their head.

"Y/n!" I tried to swat their hands away to stop them from hurting themselves but they wouldn't budge and kept pushing me away. "Please let me help you.."

"You can't help! You can't.. Xiao please.. end my pain.. I don't want to live like this.." Y/n sobs. I felt my heart aches with pain seeing Y/n like this.

"I won't kill you.. I'll never kill you.. I love you too much to lose you.." Y/n lifted their head up to see me and we locked eye contact for a brief moment before they lept towards me giving me a tight hug, mostly because of their pain.

"Xiao.. it's too painful.. I can't do it.. I don't want to hurt to people-" They pressed their hand against my neck as they sobbed.

"Then we'll run away, to somewhere no one would find us." I whispered to their ear as I stroked their head, trying to calm them down. They wouldn't calm down, nor would their pain go away, and with Morax looming over us, it's only natural that Y/n would remain unstable.

Slowly, I moved my hands to wrap around them, getting ready to bolt out of here.

"Xiao.. what do you think you're doing?"Morax warned.

"You don't deserve us." I picked up Y/n who fell silent and sped away before Morax could stop me. I went to the one place I know no one would find us, the little island floating above Qingyun Peak.

After I set Y/n down on their feet, I locked eyes with them and noticed that their eyes were lacking their usual sparkle and their expression was one of an emotionless being. Y/n summoned their sword and quickly attacked me, but I stopped it with my bare hands as its blades cuts through my skin.

"Xiao.. just kill me.. I can't control myself.." Y/n strength weakens as they said that.

"No. You know I won't. Please give it a try, I know you can pull through this, I'll be right by your side the whole time." Y/n ponders for awhile before they dropped their sword to their side.

Y/n's eyes glued to the ground looking lost and troubled. I slowly approached Y/n and took their sword away from them.

"You really think I'll get better..?" Their voice was soft and they sounded fragile.

"I don't think you will, I know you will. I said I love you and I mean it. I don't know if you feel the same-" Y/n placed their lips on mine, interrupting me but I didn't mind. This felt.. so amazing, magical even. I couldn't process how I was feeling but I know I like it.

"I've always loved you, but I don't want to hurt you.. I'm scared of doing that again.."

"Fret not, I don't die so easily. You won't be alone, I'll be here every step of the way."

"Ok.." Y/n laid their head on me as I wrapped my hands around them.



Aether's POV

"Come on Paimon! Let's go up there to get Cloud Retainer's stuff."

"Alright! Alright! Paimon's coming! Sigh.. why must mountains be so high.. Paimon's already exhausted."

While Paimon flew upwards, I had to use the wind currents and floating platforms that magically appeared. Paimon reached waaay faster than me, by the time I reached Paimon looked shocked but she didn't say anything. It was then I noticed Xiao giving Paimon a death glare while Y/n rests on his shoulder.

"What are you two doing here..?" Xiao said softly but with a threatening voice.

"We were just here to pick up Cloud Retainers stuff for her. We didn't expect to see you guys here. Zhongli told us that you guys ran away. What happened?"

"Sigh.. It's nothing. Take the things and leave. I'm going to have to think of somewhere else to go now."

"I won't tell Zhongli your location. And neither will Paimon."

"... That day, Y/n fell and I was badly injured by them. 2 months later, I woke up and stopped Zhongli from killing Y/n and told him that he didn't deserve us and then we ran away. ... Y/n is recovering, and I know they'll be themselves again. I just.. I just need more time.."

"Aw Paimon never expected Xiao to be so caring." Paimon blurted out to which was replied with Xiao's death glare.

"Well if you want some food I could cook some up for you right now."

"... I'll take you up on that offer."

"Aright then time to cook some Almond Tofu!"


This is gonna be a copy and paste for the four endings so...⤵️

AND THAT COMES TO THE END OF THE STORY!! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I am probably going to write new stories for other characters that I like, if you have any request you can comment or dm. I'll do my best to make something y'all will enjoy. Next would be Kazuha! Or if I can't write that I'd be someone else.. I have a creative block for that story right now.

Please please please, comment how much you liked this. I would like to hear any feedback be it bad or good so I know where to improve :3

GOOD LUCK FOR NILOU/ALBEDO/NAHIDA/YOIMIYA/MIKO/CHILDE!! Or Tighnari since he's a new standard 5 star but still. GOOD LUCK! And have a blessed day!

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