Stuck In My Mind

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Abbreviations used:
F/n: your Former Name
Y/n: Your name
A/n: Author's note
Italics: Inner thoughts
Underline: Thoughts Xiao can hear


"I only worry about you so much because I l̸̨͙͔̪̯̅̔̓͝ǫ̴̾́̀v̸̑̚ͅe̶̛̱̖̼̱͖̽̈̾̈͌͆̑ ̵͇̮̻̩̦͇̎̓y̵̦͈̯͕̣͕̏̆͝ǫ̸̛̭̦̺̌͐͘u̶͈̿͐̈ ̵̨̥̟̟̰̫̦̪̈͜ş̷̠̬̙̯̟̰̐͛̀̃̎͋̆ͅṑ̴͙̱͖̱̰̳̳͖̮̾ ̶̛̥̫͖̈́̏m̷̢̢̞̰̹͚̗̤̂̇͜u̶̥̝̐̾̈́̄č̷̨̛̛̥͚̬̖͊́̉̈́̍͠h̴̻̬̞͉͚̞̐̂́͌."


Let's assume Snezchaya is where Celestia is at.


Xiao's POV

Where could they be? Y/n.. please wake up soon.. I need you to talk to me so that I can find you.. I've checked every corner of the area but I simply couldn't find them. What does the Tsaritsa want with Y/n? ... Morax.. He has a contract with her.

I dashed to Liyue Harbour and made my way to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour. "Back so soon? Eh!?" The girl leapt out of my way. I made a beeline to where Zhongli was sitting at.

"The Tsaritsa took Y/n." I stated.

"That's not possible. She made a contract-" Zhongli remains calm as he argued.

"Well, she broke it. We have to go after them."

"... Alright. We shall leave now." Zhongli got up and took his polearm leaning on the wall. "Director Hu, I must attend to a certain matter. If you see Aether by any chance tell him to come to Snezchnaya."

"Alrighty!" Hu Tao exclaimed as the two of us walked out of Liyue Harbour.

"Why Aether?" I asked when we were out of the city.

"He's combat skills might come in handy. In case we need it." I pondered.


Y/n's POV

"..." I slurred awake, but only managed to be half awake half asleep. I didn't have any energy to do anything besides blinking my half-opened eyes.

"Ah good, you're awake." A voice spoke. I could make out a silhouette of a female in white with white hair and another male with orange hair. I am presumably in a cage... again.

"Awake you say? Their eyes can barely open." He said with a hint of coldness.

"That's the purpose of the liquid I injected in them." She argued. My head hurts.. what happened..? Xiao.. Xiao..

"F/n.." I heard before black took over my senses again.


Xiao's POV

Xiao.. Xiao.. "Y/n.. I heard them." Hearing Y/n's voice gave me some relief, but they seemed weak which only made me worry.

"Could you point us in the direction of Y/n?" Zhongli inquired.

".. No.. I lost the connection. ... Y/n.. talk to me.." Y/n, please.. Zhongli held me at my shoulders.

"They'll be fine, Xiao."

"... They sounded weak. We have to find them fast."

"We'll have to start trekking to Snezchnaya then." Zhongli proceeds to make his way through the terrain and I followed suit.

We climbed up beside a waterfall. The winds howled a strong wind, knocking us down by a few feet every time we climb. Reaching the top, the water in the lake flowing to the waterfall glimmered in the night sky. The birds sang a lullaby, in perfect harmony with the wind.

"Zhongli! Xiao! You made it here!" A chirpy voice rang.

"Ah, Paimon, Aether. You arrived before us."

"Aether can teleport between Teleport Waypoints! So we climbed this here cliff awhile ago, and taking a break under that tree over there." Paimon points towards the tree where Aether rests at.

"Do you wish to continue or take a break?" Aether stood up and walked toward us as he asked.

"We must continue. We don't know what they have done with Y/n." And if they dare hurt them even by a hair, I'll kill them all..

"We shall make a move then." Zhongli led the way.

"... I'll do what I can to get Y/n back," Aether said, I nodded in response.


I'm sorry this took so long to get posted!! I've been exploring enkanomiya and trying to get Xiao's weapon.

Sun and Moon (Xiao x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz