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Abbreviations used:
Y/n: Your name
A/n: Author's note
Italics: Inner thoughts


"What you deny or ignore, you delay. What you accept and face, you conquer."


Y/n's POV

Balancing a plate of Almond Tofu, on one hand, I opened the door to Xiao's room. The living room was very plain and neat, Xiao doesn't often come here even though the Boss in Wangshu Inn reserves it for him and him only. The window in the room looks out to the same view as that on the highest balcony of Wangshu Inn. There was a wooden round table in the middle with 4 similar wooden seats around it, one of which sat Xiao who looks glum. He had his arms folded and placed on the table and was slouching. Closing the door behind me, I placed the plate of Almond Tofu on the table, sliding it towards his line of sight.

"Here's your Almond Tofu," I said as I sat down on a chair next to him. Xiao glanced at the dish for a brief moment before returning to gaze back down. This nightmare of his is bothering him a lot...

"Xiao.." I reached for his hands, unfolding his arm and brought them together with mine.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"  I brushed his hair away from his eye.

"... Y/n... can you really promise that you won't fall..?" Is this bothering him so much..?

".. I can't say I won't.. but I trust that you'll save me. I took Morax's medication yesterday, so I'll be fine for the next few days." Xiao didn't dare look up, nor did he even try. He seems to be scarred from his nightmare. I released his hands and embraced him with a hug that he desperately needs, which he returns to me, pressing his forehead on my neck.

"Y/n.. please.. don't fall.." He clung to me tighter. I bring one of my hands on to his hair and ruffled it.

"I'll try not to.."

"That isn't good enough! ... what if.. what if you fall and I can't bring you back!" Xiao backs away bringing his hands to his head.

"Xiao. Look at me." I lifted his chin so that our eyes meets. "I'll be fine, I promise."

"But what if you killed me.. who's going to save you then.." So.. that's his nightmare about then...

"There's only one person in this world that I'll never kill. You. Xiao.. there's something I never told you because I was afraid too. And I need your full attention. I don't want to hear your 'what ifs', they are merely a possibility. Can you do it?" If he's already this worried.. telling him about our former God's voice definitely won't help, but he needs to know what really happened back at Mingyun Village, maybe then he can have a better idea of what to do.

"... Yes." Xiao brought his hands down and gave me his undivided attention.

"Back at Mingyun Village-"

"It's the voices, I know. I don't blame you Y/n.." Xiao interrupted.

"It was our former god." Xiao instantly froze upon hearing the two words. "Their voice intruded my thoughts and I couldn't think straight. I couldn't see who you were.  I couldn't-" Xiao placed his hand over my mouth stopping me from continuing.

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