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Abbreviations used:
Y/n: Your Name
A/n: Author's Note
Italics: Inner thoughts


"Moments come and go but memories last forever."


Y/n's POV

"That's the last of them.." I breathed a sigh of relief. I had finished clearing out 699 Hilichurl/Abyss camps around north and west of Liyue. ... Now what...

"I suppose I could call for Xiao at the Wangshu Inn.." I mumbled to myself.

"Then again.. he could still be busy... best not disturb him. I shall just wait for him on the balcony."

"No need." Xiao appears before me from nothing but dust.

"Ah! Xiao! Stop doing that! You're gonna scare me to death one day!" I shouted as I backed away. He never learns...

"I've done that for thousands, maybe millions of times by now. I doubt these scares will be the cause of your deathbed."

"Soooo... you're done?" Naptime! Naptime! Naptime! I cheered in my head.

"Yes. I have the perfect spot for you to nap."

"Ooo! Where is it?" My eyes must be glowing with anticipation by now.

"You'll find out soon." Xiao sweeps me off my feet, carrying me bridal style to the location.

Everywhere around me changed with different colours being blended in. The wind from the speed we were moving was practically smacking me. Finally, we stopped at a floating island at Qingxin Peak and he gently put me down.

There was a man-made shelter in the middle with seats. There were tables piled with papers and books - no one knows who they belong to. The sun has begun to set. The view from here was breathtaking.


Xiao's POV

As Y/n took in their surroundings, they gasp at the view. Their eyes were glimmering with awe.

"I take it that you like it?" I was afraid they wouldn't, but upon seeing their reaction I know they do.

"How'd you know I would like it?" They were still gaping at the scenery, turning 360°.

"You once told me you liked high places. 'The high grounds... it's where we can see the beauty in the world we live in. It's where the wind would always blow and guide our way to our final destination..'" I can recall the day like it was just yesterday...


Memory (Xiao's POV)

As I was patrolling around Liyue, I found Y/n sitting on the tallest cliff. Afraid they would fall, I quickly made my way to them. "Don't sit so close to the edge," I said. "Ah, Xiao. Come sit with me." They said with a sullen smile on their face. Noticing their demeanour, I obliged, hoping to get answers to their low spirit. We sit in comfortable silence for what seems like forever. "The high grounds... it's where we can see the beauty in the world we live in. It's where the wind would always blow and guide our way to our final destination... I thought I would never get to see it again.." Y/n broke the silence. "It's over now... You'll get to see this as often as you want." Y/n gives a small smile in response and the silence resumed.


Xiao's POV

"... you... remember.." Y/n's cheeriness had disappeared in an instant. Was it something I said?

"Yes. I remember every moment I have spent with you." Y/n turns to face me. Their eyes that once glimmered in the setting sunlight became dull and lifeless.

"That day... it was decades ago.. heh.. seems like nothing much has changed.." Y/n brings a hand to their arm, looking back at the sun. This time it wasn't to admire the sunset, it was to reminisce.

"... I brought you here to lift your spirits.. but it seems like I've done the opposite.."

"My spirits are not down, silly. In fact, I'm deeply grateful for you bringing me here. Now, didn't we come here for a nap?" Y/n hopped to a seat, patting in the seat next to them. I made my way to the seat and sat there, leaning on the pillar behind me and a supporting part on my right. Y/n shifted nearer and laid their head on my shoulders. Of course, I was tense at first. I can't seem to get used to being touched.

The sun has set and the moon has risen. It seems like they are always on an endless chase.. doesn't it.. ... I glanced at Y/n's figure the best I could. Seems like this little bird has fallen asleep. Soon enough, I found myself sleeping too.


Looks like Wattpad has a new feature! OwO
Text to Speech. It's interesting to listen to, but it's kinda monotone and funny, sometimes inappropriate for character tones oof. Welp, how are your wishes going? Didja get what ya want?

Sun and Moon (Xiao x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now