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Tasty i shouted in my head as i put a spoonful of porridge in my mouth.

"This is os delicious did you make it?" I said putting my one hand over my face and eyes close tasting the porridge over my tongue.

"No my mother made it i just heated it up" he said having a spoonfull himself as he looked at my face and smile.

"Oh i see" i said because i just wanted him to get triggered hehe.


"It made me think that you even know how to cook?"

"Do you find men who can cook sexy?"

"No, nothing like that but i think it's better to know hoe to cook than to not at all"

"Dont you think it would be unfair to the world if a man like me know how to cook,too?"


"But if it's what you want I'll learn how to cook"

"Hmm, lemon chiken?"

"Hmm, i think i can manage that without having to learn"
"Why doing i cook that for lunch today?"

"Sounds good"

"Huh" my eyes caught a nicely wrapped box which was kept beside me on the chair.

Huh i picking it up rustily looking at the pink and white shade of clothes couldn't exactly guess what it was i can even see some frill design on it "what is this?" I asked sidharth as he was too staring at the thing which was in my hand.

"Uh.. it's from my aunt" i opened at and saw a huge heart shaped apron "oh I forgot they did mention about the matching couple apron.

Sidharth wearing an apron, oh my god, i can clearly imagine him how the apron will look if he will wear it without any shirt underneath, oh gosh imma die thinking stuffs thinking about him wearing an apron itself make me blush and go crimson.

"Why dont you put it on today" i smirked like a devil internally i just wanted my thoughts to come alive right in front of me and anyway wasn't he thinking to make lunch today? He laughs at me "or will you put it on some other time?" I looked at him and he looked everywhere instead of me completely ignoring what I'm saying to him.

I smile looking at his cheeks turning from pale white cheeks to red cheeks it's not so bad starting of like this.

After or breakfast i went to the hall and sat there reading some random book which i found from sidharth's room itself.

"Would you like me to brew you some tea" Sidharth shouted from the kitchen.

"No I'm okay" i shrugged continued reading my book.

"What about some fruits?" He shouted again from the kitchen i think i am craving for some sweet salty citrusy stuff.

"Hmm, i think I'll like to have that"

"Let me know if you need anything else" he came out of the kitchen and kept the plate full of fruit on the table in front of me a wow escaped from my mouth looking at perfectly cut fruits he even removed the stems of grapes lucky me.

"Thankyou" If i had knew he'd be taking care of me like this maybe I should've gotten married way more sooner, i looked at him with a huge smile picked up a grape stuffed in my mouth with a smile i looked at the book still smiling like an idiot.

"What are you reading that's making you smile like that?" He said glacing at me time to time.

"Uh, it's nothing i just.." i looked at him carefully as he was typing something on his tablet.
"So what are you doing" i asked getting a little curious is he talking to jasmine again?

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