...talking with parents

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Class was normal. Lunchtime was normal. Waiting for his sister after school was normal. But the feeling of something breaking free had never felt stronger. It could have just been his imagination but it felt so real for Kai.

Amongst all the hundreds of students flooding through the school doors, struggling to find his younger sister. The ravenette hurried to him once she saw him.

"So, how was it?" Kai asked his sister curiously.

"How was what?" Nya queried slightly distracted.

"School duh." Kai replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh. It was okay." Nya replied in a bored voice, already beginning the walk home.

Following her, Kai cast a worried glance in Nya's direction. Noticing this, Nya quickly tried to assure him she was fine.

"Honestly it was fine. I even got full marks in my maths knowledge checker." She smiled noticing how worried her brother seemed.

"Well glad to know you're doing good. I didn't get a single math starter question right; it was foundation."


The walk to home for Lloyd was long. He lived a bit towards the outskirts of the city as his mother insisted.

Knowing his mother wasn't home yet, he unlocked the doors of the, simple two-floor, house. His mum normally came later in the evening after her shift at 'work'. Not even Lloyd could understand his mother's job it was like she did so many things at once but that's not on Lloyd's mind right now.

As he walked through the empty hallway, towards his bedroom, he couldn't help but think of how life would have been if his father was alive. It was a constant thought in his head. So many maybe's and what ifs. But he knew they will never happen.

After constant attempts to distract himself from these thoughts: homework, TV, food. He finally heard the sound of the front door opening. He ran down the stairs, the direction of the front door, to find his tired mother.

"How was work mum?" He asked collecting her handbag from her. His mother, Koko, closed the door before replying.

"Stressful but worth it. How was school?" You could hear the tiredness in her voice as she slumped into the sofa.

"It was good. I even think I made a friend. Her name is Nya and she's new." Lloyd recounted what had happened in school earlier.

"Oh that's nice". Koko replied, "Could you please make me a cup of tea."

"Yes mum." Lloyd hurried towards the kitchen.


"Later dude!" Cole hollered at Jay as they set off on their different paths home.

On his way home, through the busy streets, Cole's mind was running wild with thoughts Not about how school was or the new friend he made, and surprisingly not about food either. It was about 'What sort of freaking weirdo am I?!'

He'd only ever told Jay about it, not even his dad.

Upon reaching the building he calls home, he stopped at the entrance, picked a few pebbles before opening the door.

As he walked down the halls with musical awards hung, he noticed the door leading to one of the rooms ajar and peeked in. There were music sheets all over a dusty desk, a microphone laying on the floor accompanied with even more blank pieces of paper and five empty cups of coffee. Cole could only just make out a figure hunched over the desk, gazed fixed on the music sheets.

Cole gave a half smile as he walked over to the figure attempting to gain their attention.

"Hello dad", he forced a smile at the end trying to maintain a light atmosphere.

"Oh, you're back from school already." The man Cole calls dad replied, attention still on the sheets laid before him.

"Yeah, do you need help with anything?" Cole offered, trying to spend more time with his dad.

"No it's okay" was the response he got, lowering his mood. "I've ordered dinner, it should be here within thirty minutes."


An awkward silence was unleashed in this cramped room but it was only for a matter of seconds before Cole's dad, Lou, broke it.

"You can go now." Was all he said before Cole stalked out of the room depressingly.

The dejected boy strolled up the stairs, eyes suddenly interested in the carpet. Opening the door of his room, his eyes immediately found the desk. He reached into his pockets, cautiously bringing out the pebbles and placing them gently on his desk.

"Ok..." He stretched his arms, took a few steps away from the desk before raising his arms up.

He strained he's arms at the pebbles, trying to focus on what was in front of him. Surprisingly, the pebbles started vibrating and he broke into a huge grin. They were starting hover about three millimetres when a "ding dong" echoed across the house, cutting off the boy's concentration.

"Seriously. Why now?" Cole complained as he exited his room heading to the front door. "It had better be pizza or so help me".

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