...starting school

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"Just remember" Kai starts, approaching the giant double doors with Nya, "Don't hang out with the outcasts, never look lonely, hold your head high and most importantly be cool like me."

"Umm since when were you ever cool?" Nya questions him jokingly.

"Since forever!" He shoots back, flicking his hair, "But honestly Nya, I know you shouldn't always trust movies or books but still, good luck in school." Nya smiles gratefully to him.

"Good luck to you to!"

"...I don't need luck." Kai comments smugly making Nya gives him a 'you just had to say that' look before walking off ahead of him annoyedly.

"Oh come on Nya!"


"It will be due on Wednesday. If you don't submit it by then, there'll be an instant after school detention."

"I couldn't fit another formula in my head" Jay sighs in relief, making his way to the cafeteria.

"Well there was never really any space in there..." Cole smirks, but his gaze shifts to another thing of interest.

"Actually that's you, cause your nickname's boulder brains"

"Shh! Not here!"

"Oh come on! We never get to talk about- "Jay cuts himself off when he realises that Cole lost interest in their conversation and was busy staring at something or someone. "Cole, you're a creep."


"You can't keep staring at someone like that as if your life depended on their existence"

"It's not my fault she's pretty as-"

"Ew! That's my cousin you're talking about" Jay complained, folding his arms.

"Quick! She went that way towards the field!" Cole exclaimed running off after the girl.

"I thought we were going to the cafeteria for lunch. Why do we have to change our plans because of a girl?"

"Where'd she go?" Cole ignores Jay's complaints.

"Oh well guess she's gone lets go to the cafeteria now. I'm hungry. Think there'd be any cotton candy? Wait no this is a school, but don't they give them out at school fairs, or is because a school fair is like a fair but at school-"

"Please stop talking." Cole pleads already getting annoyed of Jay's rambling.

"Oh come on. Haven't you ever heard umm 'you can't entertain a man who has no food'?" Jay picks a random quote he thinks he'd heard from somewhere.

"Even if I did, since when did you count as man?" Cole jokes.

"Ok, you really didn't have to say that-OOF!" Jay collided with the ground after bumping into someone. "OW!"

"Sorry dude, I was looking for the cafeteria" the boy apologised as he stood up, Jay following.

"We're going there as well, you can follow us, I'm Jay."


"But I thought...what about..." Cole stammers pointing in the direction of the way he thinks Jay's cousin went.

"Shut up Cole." Jay says before turning to Kai, "He has a crush on my cousin."


"Yeah and he won't stop talking about her. Like everything he says half the time's about her. It's kind of an obsession if you ask me. But to be honest I don't know what to think about, on one hand by best friend and my cousin together sounds weird but on the other hand I'm not that close with her. I mean sure we go on family outings and things-"

"Oh for the love of the first spinjitzu master SHUT UP!" Kai exploded, eyes glowing slightly red, clearly frustrated, scaring the life out of almost everyone nearby including Jay and Cole.

"The first spinjitzu master? You believe that too? I do but Cole doesn't, even if he can-"

"Shut up Jay!" Cole whisper shouted, annoyed that Jay brought that up again.

As they continued their way to the cafeteria, they didn't notice someone, clad in a dark green hoodie and jeans making their way to the library.

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