“Melody! Amber!” I yelled. No answer. I went downstairs and found them with Harry whispering. I snuck up to them and whispered. “What we talking about?”

They jumped back and laughed, shaking their heads. I pouted and crossed my arms. Harry slipped Melody his credit card and we walked out to the car. Melody got in the drivers seat and Amber got in the back so she could lay down. I got in the passengers and buckled.

We drove to the big mall and got out.

“Harry said nothing fancy.” Amber said smiling as we walked into Hollister. We looked at the shorts and went to the shirts. I picked out a white lace tank. We went back to the shorts and I got some Low Rise Short Shorts and a pink belt.

“Ohhh! I like these!” Melody said running over to Pink short shorts. She grabbed some and came back over and got a black Tank. Amber came back with some Hollister perfume which I love. Amber grabbed my shirt, shorts, and belt and paid for it with Harrys card. I felt bad but if I’m going on a date with the Harry Styles I gotta get used to it. But knowing me I never will. She came back and Melody paid for her clothes and perfume and we walked out.

“Hmm. What shoes are you gonna wear?” Melody asked me. I just shrugged and she pulled me into Journeys.

“What color under shirt are you gonna wear?” Amber asked.

“Umm. I though about a turquoise.” I said. They got turquoise high tops and payed for them.

“Lets get our nails done!” Melody said. We went into the nail place. I picked out clear nail polish with turquoise tips. Mel got pink nails with a flower on her thumb and Amber got plain purple nails with little designs on them.

I really liked my nails because the turquoise. Melody paid and we went back to the car. We piled into it and drove to Burger King. I got a cheese burger and so did the other 2 weirdos.(; We sat down at a booth and ate.

“So do you 2 know where Harrys taking me?” I asked trying to get them to tell me. They just shook their head no and ate. I needed to know this. What if it’s a fancy. I’ll look casual. I just let that thought out of my mind and finished eating. We threw our trash away and went back to the car.

“Im doing your hair!” Melody said.

“Im doing makeup!” Amber yelled. I just laughed and opened the sunroof letting light and wind in. I turned the radio on and we all sang along.

“Ok. You shower!” Melody said as we parked. I got out and went to Melodys room upstairs and took a shower making sure to shave. I hopped out and got a robe and wrapped it around me. I saw them sitting on the bed getting the stuff ready. They had a chair in the middle of the room and I sat down on it getting on Twitter. I had a lot more followers now. A lot of hate and some good things. I just closed out of the Twitter app as Melody blow dried my hair. I went to Flow and started to play.

“You have wavy hair. I wish I had wavy hair.” Amber frowned. I giggled and went back to my game. Melody had done a French braid going around my head and finishing with a braid going over my shoulder. I really liked it. Amber came over and I clicked my phone off. She put all the foundation and crap on and started on the eyes now.

Soon she pulled away and I opened my eyes to see them both smiling at me. I got up and looked into the mirror. Wow

Melodys work with my hair was amazing and my makeup was gorgeous. I had thin eyeliner on top and eyeliner stopping halfway on the bottom, with minimum masquera. I smiled and saw it was7:30. Time flies when your having fun. I went and got my clothes. Melody had gotten my turquoise under shirt for me. I went and put everything on. I smiled at my reflection and walked out. They both gasped and hugged me.

“Ok. You gotta go!” Amber said handing me my shoes. I quickly put them on and got my phone. I walked down the stairs and found a note on the door. I read it.

Autumn. Walk 2 blocks to your right.


 I was confused. I walked outside taking a right, the only way. And going down 2 blocks. I stopped and looked around. I found another note on the stop sign.

Ok. Yay you’re good at this, now go left for 3 more blocks.

~Good job Harry.<3

I went left and walked down the 3 blocks. I stopped in front of a park. I looked around and found another note.

Almost there. Go through the park entrance and follow the skittles.

I’ll see you there(:


I laughed at the skittles part and walked into the park following Harry’s skittle trails. I got to a bunch of tree and looked around. I looked down at my feet and saw a note.

Turn around babe

I turned around and saw Harry smiling. He smiled and hugged me kissing me cheek.

“Ok put this on. The last part is a surprise.” He said handing me blindfold. I didn’t question it just put it on. I took my hand and led me somewhere. When we stepped up my feet was on something hard. I figured it was just the road or something. We walked a little farther and stopped. He untied my blind revealing a beautiful pond with lily pads.

They had little candles on them lighting the pond up. We were on a dock in the middle of the pond now. The pond was beautifully lit by the moon and candles. He had a red blanket at the end of the dock, with candles of different sizes going to the end where the blanket was.

It had rose pedals going down to the blanket also. I smiled and hugged him before he took my hand and led me down the rose path to the blanket. It had 2 silver plates covered. I helped me sit down and then sat down himself. I pulled out the wine bottle from the center bucket and poured us some wine. I sipped on it and set it down.

“Hungry yet?” He asked.

“Yes very!” I exclaimed. He smiled and uncovered my plate, and his. It had chicken, mashed potatoes, and steamed carrots. I smiled and got a fork.

“How’d you do this in 5 hours Harry?” I asked taking a bite of chicken.

“Magic” He winked. I smiled and finished eating. Harry put everything away and came back. We sat at the edge of the dock dangling our legs off the edge, with out toes in the water. We laid down and I put my head on his arm that he had wrapped around my shoulder. We laid there looking at the stars before he spoke.

“Come with me. Theres one last thing I have to show you.” He said getting up and helping me. He took my hand and we walked down the dock. We walked through the park and went to the edge of the trees. Harry led me down a small path. We stopped at a clear spot. He had lamps hanging from the trees lighting the circled area. There was a blanket in the middle for us. We went and laid down.

“Watch.” He said simply pointing to the sky. Soon fireworks erupted. I looked at them and they spelt something.

Be Mine?

I covered my mouth with me hand and Harry smiled at me.

“Will you go out with me Autumn?” He asked.

“Yes Harry, Yes!” I said lunging at him hugging him. We pulled back and he kissed me passionately.

“I really like you Autumn.” He said once we had laid back down.

“I really like you too Harry.” I smiled.

3 Words


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