“Ahem, I’m right ‘ere,' Blu Spy said, sounding a bit offended. 

“Sorry Spy, but it’s not my fault that I figured out that habit of yours,” they said playfully. Spy rolled his eyes. 

Suddenly your heart drops, once you see the real Blu Pyro walking on scene. 

‘Ah shit…’

The blu team automatically looks at you and the blu Pyro with cautious looks. 

“WE GOT A SPY!!” Blu Scout said, as every blu team grabbing out their weapons pointing at you and the blu Pyro.

“Okay, which one of you is the Spy?” blu Thief asked. 

You and blu Pyro muffled and pointed at each other at the same time. You and blu Pyro exchange glares with each other.

“Oi got an idea!” blu Sniper exclaimed.

“No, we’re not going to use zat jar of 'ours, bushman!” blu Spy said. 

Blu Sniper lowered his head in disappointment, while blu Engie had an idea. 

“How about we let our Pahro burn the Spah and we know who’s the real Pahro.” 

“Oooh, I love the sound of that!” blu Thief said with a menacing tone. 

‘I fucking hate you Blu me!’

Blu Pyro grabs his flamethrower while you ditch the disguises and reveal yourself as you raise your hands in the air.

“I surrender!” you yelled. 

Blu Pyro lowered the flamethrower in disappointment. The blu team gives you ‘really’ and a disappointing look. 

“Honestly Y/N, why am I not surprised?” blu Thief asked.

Before you can say anything, you and the blu team turn their head to the direction where there’s gunfired. Only to find Scout running toward you with the red intelligence while there’s a Heavy on his tail. 

You turn your head to your countered self and smile, “I would love to stick around and chat, but this is where I dip off!” You disappear out of mid air, catching the Blu Team off guard. Blu Spy was going to use his watch to disappear but learned that his watch is missing. 

“Gott dammit! Zat Zief is so annoyin’!” 

“Now jou know how ve felt toward jour kind,'' Blu Medic said. 

“Great! They got away with their intelligence! How did we let them slip by!?” blu Soldier asked. 

Blu Thief and blu Scout shrug, “we have no idea.” Blu Thief and blu Scout walks away from the blu team. As they both about to head back to their room, blu Scout and blu Thief look at each other and nod and call it a day.


You and Scout cheers and clink the bottle before chugging it down. “We did it Scout! No one has to know that the intelligence was stolen.” 

“I can’t believe dat you’re tryin’ to frame Pyro for burnin’ dere base! Dat was evil of you!” Scout laughed. 

“Ah yes, that schadenfreude,” you commented before taking a sip. 

“Hey Y/N,” Scout called out, causing you to almost spit out your drink. You turn your head to him with a surprised look. 

“What did you call me?” 

“What? I was just sayin’ your name. Do you hate your name dat much?” Scout asked.

You shook your head, “No, maybe. But that’s not important. I’m just surprised that you call me by my name.” 

“I can just call you Thief, if you don’t want me to call you by your name.”

“Scout, it's fine. You can call me by my first name or class name. Whatever works for you.” 

There was a moment of silence, until Scout breaks the silence. “Anyway, I was thinkin’ if you want to play video games in my room.” 

“Are you kidding me!? Hell yeah I want to play video games!” you said, as you hop out of the chair. “Race ya!” you said, dashing off to Scout’s  room. 


The Red team returns to the base (from whatever they’ve been doing throughout the day). The red team heard you and Scout laughing and talking. 

“Finally they got along,” Sniper said. 

“Hallelujah,” Medic mumbled, walking to his medbay. 

You and Scout walk out, deciding to grab some dinner only to walk into Spy. 

“Hey Spy!” you greet.

“‘Es Zief?” Spy asked. 

Scout rolled his eyes, “I told you dat Thief and I got along!” 

You turn your head to Scout, “you just have to get to the point, huh?”

“Of course!” 

“Hey Spy! You won’t believe what Scout and I did today!” 

“I know, I’ve seen what you two did. You and Scout snuck in ze Blu Base to take back ze intelligence.” 

You and Scout’s face drop. 

‘Wait… does that mean…? HE ALREADY KNOWS!?!?!?!’

You and Scout suddenly change from surprise look to death glares, which Spy slowly realizes his mistakes. 

“You meant to tell me that,” you spoke.

“Dat you let the blu team STEAL OUR INTELLIGENCE!?!?” 

“I’ve said too much,” Spy said before disappearing. 

You and Scout turn to each other and nod at the same time before you two decide to chase Spy.


Spy goes back to his smoking room, hiding and locking the door to prevent you and Scout from entering the room. He turned his head seeing that you and Scout broke in his room (since Scout didn’t clean after himself). 

Spy has a mixture of annoyance and concern at the same time. He cleans the mess up, but he notices that the disguise kit with the picture of Scout and his mother is missing. 

Meet The Thiefحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن