proposition | phil foden

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you had lost count of the amount of times phil had asked you out. you had been friends for years, but he clearly felt something more for you than you did for him, but recently you had started warming up to the idea that there could be a romantic connection between the two of you.

it was currently a couple of days before the manchester united match, and you were at his house, as you usually were, seeing as though you spent so much of your time together, no wonder he had caught feelings for you.

"please can you just try to go out with me," he urged. "i know you feel something for me, i can see it in the way you look at me."

you let out a deep breath. "i know that you know i feel something for you, and i do, i really do, but you know how much it hurt me ending my last relationship. i don't want to go through that again, plus, i don't ever want to lose the friendship we have, because you're one of the most important people in the world to me."

"i know, but you'll never know until you try, just give me a chance, y/n. and what if it all works out, and this ends up being the real deal for us."

"okay," you nodded your head, watching his eyes light up. "don't get too excited, i have a proposition for you. if you score a hat trick at the weekend, i'll go out on a date with you, if not, you'll have to wait just that little bit longer."

"my god, you're such a tease. you know that is never going to happen."

"well you'll just have to play your best then won't you, all for me."

as soon as the game finished, you knew that you would be going on a date with phil, your stomach filling with butterflies at the thought. you really couldn't wait.

"so when's my date," he said to you when he met up with you after the match, the biggest sick you had ever seen plastered all over his face.

"whenever you want it to me, star boy," you bit your lip and smiled at him.

"fuck," he whispered. "you're going to be the absolute death of me," at that moment he leaned in, cupping your cheeks in his hands, he pressed a soft, but passionate kiss onto your lips.

"well at least we know that part works, that's a start."

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