jealous dog | jadon sancho

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yours and jadon's dog was very clingy to the pair of you. constantly following you around, always wanting to be close to you at all times. they would always need to be cuddled, whether that was while you were in bed, on the sofa watching tv, or even out in the park sometimes, when things maybe got a bit too much for them.

sometimes, however, your dog would either get jealous of jadon or yourself, when they saw the two of you giving each other attention. for example, there was one night when the two of you were cuddled up in bed, the door to the bedroom open so your dog could come in if they needed you. eventually your dog came in, jumping up onto the bed. but when they saw that you and jadon were snuggled up together, they tried nudging jadon's arm fro your waist with their nose, whimpering because they wanted a cuddle from their mummy. 

today was no different. you and jadon were stood in the hallway, jadon just about to leave for training, your dog also sat with you watching jadon put on his shoes.

"right, i'll be home around two," jadon says, pressing a kiss to your lips. he was about to turn around and walk out the door, but your dog let out a sound of dismay. jadon thought nothing of it, thinking that you dog was a little mad at him for not saying a proper goodbye.

however, it wasn't until jadon arrived home, that you were able to get to the root of the problem. you were in the kitchen when jadon got back, and he immediately walked over to you to kiss you on the lips in greeting. this action was again met with a whimper from your dog, who was sat by your side.

"i don't think he likes it when you kiss me," you giggle, leaning down to pet your dogs head, pouting your lips at them, as they give you the biggest puppy eyes ever.

"well what do you want me to do, stop kissing you all together?" jadon smirks at you.

"no, but maybe you shouldn't do it in front of out dog anymore, i don't want them getting too jealous."

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