drunk | jude bellingham

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you had gotten a call from one of jude's friends that he needed you to pick him up from the club that he was at as soon as possible, because he had maybe gotten a little too drunk, and he was starting to be unbearable to be with. so you got in the car pretty much straight after the call had ended, and made your way to the club to pick up your boyfriend.

when you arrived at the club, jude was standing outside, leaning on his friend, eyes partially closed, clearly drunk. you walked over to them, it taking a very long time for jude to notice you, much longer than it would take him if he was currently fully sober.

"y/n!" he slurred. "hey, sexy," he tried to take a step towards you, but he almost tripped over, bursting out laughing at his own mishaps.

"hi, darling," you said, placing his other arm over your shoulder, and thanking his friend for looking after him, before you started the, what should have been a short, walk back to the car.

he was swaying as he walked, and because he was taller than you and weighed much more than you, you would stay with him. after stopping a couple of times because he "felt like he was going to be sick", the pair of you finally made it to the car, and you helped him into the passenger side, before you were able to finally drive off.

on your way back home, you had to stop at a crossing, jude pointed immediately at the girl crossing in front of you, "hey, look! twins!"

"that's just one person, love," you said, continuing your drive back home.

he flopped his head towards you, looking at you with sarcastic eyes, "there were definitely two people there y/n, you're just blind."

"yeah i am." you just went along with what he was saying, knowing that he was probably going to forget all of this by morning anyway.

he placed his hand on your thigh, inching it up your leg slightly. "no, jude," you said, your voice stern.

he pouted like a little kid, "oh, but you look so sexy right now, baby, and i really really want you."

"and you're completely drunk. what you need is a big glass of water, tablets, and sleep."

"okay. only if you sleep in bed with me," he wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"regardless of what you do, jude, i'm not going to do anything with you when you're drunk. maybe tomorrow, when you're feeling a bit better."

"yes!" he shouted, looking way too excited.


once you had pulled up at your house, you practically had to drag him out of the car, in order to get him anywhere near the door.

"right, watch your step," you told him once you had opened the door. you led him to the couch were he flopped down, falling onto his side. "stay there while i get you a drink."

you went into the kitchen, grabbing him a glass of water and a couple tablets to take with it. "here, drink this, and take these."

he gulped down the water, barely leaving any to take the tablets with. he handed the glass back to you, laying back down on the couch. "no no, come on, we're going upstairs, i'm not having you sleep down here all night."

"okay," he mumbled, groaning when he stood up, the alcohol starting to affect him negatively.

getting up the stairs was a challenge. he nearly tripped on three of the stairs, and because he was getting tired, a lot more of his weight was resting against you. but you eventually got him into the bedroom and onto the bed. you helped him take off his shoes, and helped him take his clothes off so he was just in his boxers.

"that's it, you lay down. i'm just going to get ready for bed, and i'll bring you up another glass of water, then i'll join you in bed, okay?"

"please don't leave me," he begged, grabbing onto your hand, almost pulling you down onto the bed with him.

"i'll only be five minutes, jude, try and get some sleep," you left a kiss on his forehead, got everything ready, then joined him in bed, where he cuddled up into your side.

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