instagram live | erling haaland

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he was sitting in your dining room at the table doing a random instagram live, chatting away with the fans and a few of his friends who had appeared in the chat. you didn't know what he was doing, you just heard him talking and thought he was probably on the phone to one of his friends or something. so you just walked into the dining room, without a care in the world.

"baby, have you seen my bracelet? the one you got me for my birthday," you ask him.

he smiles up at you, "yeah, i think i saw it on the coffee table earlier, i was going to bring it to you but i forgot."

"okay, thanks, darling," and with that you walk out of the room.

erling didn't even realise what had just happened, not even the slightest bit alarmed that he just revealed your relationship to the entire world pretty much. and he probably wouldn't have realised at all if he didn't see the comments going crazy. but he didn't want to make a scene, and drag you into the slight mess he had created, so he just didn't react to the comments, and turned the live off about ten minutes later.

he quickly went to tell you what had happened, but you just brushed it off, telling him that you weren't too fussed about it. and when he asked why, you just said that your relationship was bound to come out someday, and they hadn't seen you face anyway. so the two of you just sat back and enjoyed the speculation about the 'mystery woman' in erling haaland's instagram live. 

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