Henry misses Char

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I can't believe Jack took Charlotte from me and I hate him so much even Emily misses her.

Daddy, I miss Mommy!

me too sweetheart Just then Jasper and Chole hugged them and we are here you guys, Thanks, guys.

Emily has trouble sleeping without Char there and she prays for her back but she knows that not gonna happen.

Henry cried himself to sleep starting to dream about Char and they were married and also a family with Emily and her son!

The next day he didn't get any sleep at all, Buddy are you oh ok no I am not missing her so much, we are sorry.

My daughter is having trouble sleeping at night because she is missing Charlotte too much we know.

She cried about her little angel missing her so much, Jack came into the room and hung up the phone!

Charlotte does she turn to him said I hate you so much and he says no you don't love me that he said to her?

Whatever then her son cried I am here baby she said to him, She rocked him to sleep and she went to bed.

She thinks about them every day she wishes that Jack didn't come back into the picture because he doesn't care about them!

Henry came home very sleepy and went to check up on his little girl, Hey sweetie she looked up Hey, Daddy she said to him.

It's been 2 weeks since Charlotte left with Jack and he is sad 😢 all the time it's never been the same without her.

Happy Easter Sunday

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