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"Did you see that mommy!" He runs and trips, and I catch him right before his face kisses the ground. "Yes baby. You saved me." I grin, ruffling his hair and he smiles proudly. "I killed the dragon!"
I exchange glances with my husband.

I guess Damien's bloodthirsty streak was my fault.

I bend down and place a kiss on his little cheek. "Well done." Day flushes and holds his hands to his cheeks, he's been spending too much time with Lindsay.

Cain gets up and wipes the sand from his face, he jogs toward us and lifts Damien up around his tummy and dramatically places the boy on his shoulders and Damien grips his hair tightly. I flinch on his behalf, that's got to hurt.

Cain looks at me with bright yellow eyes and smiles as he takes my hand into his, holding Damien in place around his neck with his other hand.

I smile, intertwining our fingers together and he raises our joint hands and kisses the back of my hand lightly. "I love you." Cain murmurs to me as we amble down the beach.

Day frowns down at his dad. "I love you too." I grin toothily as I respond to Cain, and Damien furrows his brow, looking between Cain and I as if we were forgetting something essential.

"And what about me?!"

Cain chuckles. "We love you too Day." I shield my eyes from the sun as I look up at Day.


The impulsive little boy suddenly lets go of his father's head and violently leans onto me. And grips my hair.
"Oww," I complain under my breath and Cain chuckles. "I love you Daddy and Mommy." Damien wails, gripping slash holding my head like a spider monkey.
"Owowowww." I whine, "Damien! Let go of my hair!"

Cain and Day laugh at me. "Okay Mommy!" Day simply let's go and he free falls from his dad's shoulders.
And Cain just let's him go.
I jump at his sudden movement and instinctively catch him, cradling him and clutching the boy to my chest. "Damien! You shaved 10 years from my life with that move you just-"
"I love you mommy."

My eyes soften, looking at the little boy that smiles at me with pretty indents on his cheeks as he wraps his small arms around my neck. I'm all of a sudden no longer angry and Cain pulls me closer to him by my waist and we walk like that as the sun sets.

I lurch up, gasping-my breaths fitful and uneven. My heart knocks against my ribcage, the sound of a drum as the blood rushes to my head. Sweat runs from my temple and I feel my heart matted to my face.

It was a dream. That was a dream. But why did I wake up like that? It was a good dream so why was I panting like I just had a nightmare?

Something's wrong.

I try to calm down, but my heart beats and it doesn't beat. It throbs and it doesn't. Oh god.

My head is feverish, and I look around me in the darkness.
Something. Was. Very. Wrong.

A searing pain pierces across my lower back and I hiss, arching up from the bed in sheer confusion. The intense heat flashes once more in my abdomen and I yelp in shock as the pain pulses against my flesh, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

I glance down by accident and oh god. There's a pool of blood underneath me.
I was wearing a thin slip, laying on my bed at our villa...

And I was bleeding.

Someone somewhere screams, and vaguely in registers that the one doing the screaming was me... with a throat stuffed with cotton.
My eyes glued to my abdomen. In the back of my mind I realize I'm still screaming but the sight of the vermillion pouring from the lower half of my body stops me from doing anything.

I'm screaming.
I'm in shock.

My heart
feels like
It's Drowning

Sinking further under the sea.

With that dream.

The light goes on and I belatedly realize I'm crying. "Raina!" I hear Cain's voice from far away. Too far from me.

My cries deafen my own ears as I try to sit upright, only to slip in the warm thick liquid around me.
"Cain. Cain. Cain. Cain."
I'm hyperventilating and I have no idea how to stop.
I think he shakes me but I don't pay attention. The ringing in my ears drowning out all other noise.

Oh god no.
Please no.




Pleasepleasepleaseplease- my hands tremble. my chest tightens.
I want to die.
I want to wipe my face, tears blurring in my eyes- but I forget that it's covered in blood and I wipe my face and all I see is blood and I start to break down, wailing and thrashing as Cain fights for me to not hurt myself. I whimper down at my lower stomach, the teardrops falling faster and faster as I cradle my stomach, clutching my abdomen as blood seeps through my hands.

"Raina? Baby, baby don't look down, look at me okay?" Cain lifts my face to his. "Just look at me." "The baby." I falter, my words shake- just like the rest of me.

"The doctor's on his way Rainie." Cain presses his lips to my temple and I clench my hand into a fist. "Now. Now, we need to go now. We can't wait longer." My voice breaks and I gulp down air before collapsing into a coughing fit.

"Too much," I wheeze, "... blood." He swears. "Can't. Wait. Longer." I convulse, clenching my teeth and he picks me up and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck.

"Just hang in there kitten." Cain murmurs as he runs with me in his arms, probably also covered in blood.

"I'm going to fix this." He swears and my eyes unfocusing gazes up at his jaw as he jogs with determination set in his jaw.

My eyes close.

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