Chapter 11: Oakley

Start from the beginning

Thinking about it gave me the chills and made me want to claw at my skin.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Oliver coming to sit next to me.

"There you are, I couldn't find you anywhere."

"Sorry, after talking to June I got distracted by the sunrise. Isn't it the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?"

"It is, look at the sky, It's all different shades of orange and pink." He smiled "How was June this morning?"

"June is feeling much better but both of the girls were up until 3 in the morning because I forgot that Janae is scared of the dark and so I didn't leave the candle lit which caused her to be scared the whole night and for both of them to stay up" I sighed.

"Why didn't they come to get us? We would have lit the candle or come and help them fall asleep or something."

"I suppose Janae was too scared to move and June couldn't leave her."

I was feeling super guilty just thinking about my poor scared sisters.

"So I suppose that we're not leaving today," he said.

"No, I told June to sleep and that we would figure it out."

"So what now, I seriously don't think we should try and make it all in one day. I don't want anyone to over-exhaust themselves."

I agreed with him. Between June still recovering and both girls already exhausted we don't need to overdo it.

"Why don't we let the girls rest today and then tomorrow we will go halfway and then we go the other half the next day?" I proposed the idea.

Of course, he responded with my next concern.

"I thought we didn't have enough food for three days and that was the whole reason why we needed to get to this village as soon as possible," he questioned.

"I'll go and get us more food. I didn't bring hunting supplies for no reason."

"Oakley you can't be serious," he said "I have to come with you."

"Absolutely not, you have to stay here with the girls," I told him.

He looked slightly offended that he wasn't going to be coming but then again he knew neither one of us would ever leave the girls alone in an abandoned house especially after what happened last night, which I could tell he felt equally guilty for.

"Fine," He grunted, "But you better be careful and not go too far or get yourself hurt because I have no clue how to get to this village or back home and I'll be damned if I have to go drag your dead body out of the woods."

"Oliver ill be fine, just in case though, the maps and plans are all in my backpack."

Mentioning this I could tell, hit both of us like a rock.

There is a chance I might not return.

I looked back over at my brother and he had panic written all over his face.

"You better not die Oakley James Price or so help me God I will lose my shit."

Oliver using my full name was weird. Father was the only one who ever called me that and It was never in a positive way.

"Oliver I promise you're not getting rid of me that easily, now, come help me get ready."


I was really in over my head right now.

I should not have volunteered to do this.

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not perfect at everything I do.

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