EBT+ (Part 4, S7)

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Hey I can actually call this one hurt/comfort (sorta, not really but closest I got) :D The last two had next to no comfort lol and were technically angst. I'd like to note that there's a lot of POV changes in EBT+ because I want to give all the Hermit's curses some attention.

Category: Hurt/Comfort (Ish. For most of it)

Main Character(s): Hels, Ren, Doc, Etho, Iskall

TW: Blood, Gore, Panic Attack, Trauma, Self Hate, Vomiting (Oh gosh that's more than I thought it would be)


-POV: Rendog-

The werewolf blearily blinked in the early morning light. The sun had just risen over the horizon and he felt the fatigue from his nightly transformation.

"Hey Ren. You need help?" Doc appeared beside him, gesturing towards the chains around his ankles and wrists. Ren stared at the iron links emotionlessly. What is the point of taking them off? I'm useless during the day. I get in the way of everyone and I just get chained back to the wall again at night.

"You're not useless!" Doc yelped, reaching his hand out towards him. Ren blinked and realised he had said that out loud.

"But I am useless Doc! All I do is get in the way of everyone, put people in danger, and get exploited by Hels! What good have I done since this all started? None!" His tail drooped sadly as he talked. He really was useless, wasn't he?

His boyfriend put a hand to his cheek, lifting his face and meeting his eyes. "You've done plenty of good things. You are the only person that can calm me down. You saved me from being beat up by Bdubs, and you saved him from being blown to pieces by me! You're not useless, Ren!"

The two hybrids stared into each others eyes for a long time. Ren's eyes, that he was now afraid of, were an unnatural shade of bright blue with yellow-tinted whites, the mark of a werewolf. Doc's eyes were mismatched, the left eye red and robotic, the right eye black with a slitted white pupil.

They only began moving again once X sent out a message calling for a server meeting. Doc unchained him wordlessly and they headed back around to the front door.

Inside was what could only be described as complete chaos.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Zed screamed, ears and tail twitching.

"DID HELS TAKE HIM?!" Someone cried from the crowd.

"Please calm down..." Another Hermit whined, barely audible over the screaming.

"WE KNOW WHERE HIS BASE IS, LET'S GET HIM! LET'S GET TANGO BACK!" Ren and Doc exchanged a glance. Hels took Tango again? This can't be good.

Xisuma stepped into the center of the group, splitting them up. "Okay. We'll attack. First, though, we need to scout out what we will be fighting against. Etho, you'd be best for that. Sneak into Hels' new base in the mesa and see what he's doing in there. That good with you?"

Etho nodded. "Okay. I'll do my best, I don't know what security Hels has set up, but he's no idiot, and I'm sure..." The ninja took a short pause before continuing.

"He'll be ready."

-POV: Etho-

He'll be ready. Oh, Hels was definitely going to be ready. He may have hurt Doc, but Etho needed his glory, and the creeper was doing just fine after another few hours of healing. He would warn the knight before the Hermits came, but he had to do it in a way that it didn't seem like he had just betrayed the Hermits to him.

Hermitcraft One-shots (Mostly Ren)Where stories live. Discover now