Maj AU (Part 2)

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Category: Hurt/Comfort (A lot of these will be like this)

Main Character(s): Ren, Python, and Doc

Trigger Warning(s): Blood, Self hate, Suicidal thoughts


Ren opened his eyes to a medium sized roughly square room with a high ceiling and four mattresses along the walls. There was currently nobody here, and his ears and tail, still folded somehow, were stiff and painful.

He laid there unmoving for several seconds before allowing them to unfold outwards and stretch, trying to ingnore his pounding headache.

Man, that felt good to stretch.

He slowly got up, shaking a little, and glanced around for an exit. There was only one way out that he could, and he could hear the sounds of people talking down the tunnel. Ren searched around the room for other secret ways out, but then, as he was peeking under a mattress, he heard a small gasp from the doorway.

He froze and turned around to see a large red naga with a black cloak and a medium sized, scarily skinny man with a deer skull attached to his head, a red headband around it, and a black spiked tail. The skinny guy stepped towards him, looking wary.

Ren's ears naturally angled downwards again, and his tail drooped and he backed away from the odd looking Maj.

"... You're a... WEREWOLF?!" The man cried, quickly advancing, now looking slightly angry. Ren whimpered as he felt his tail brush the rough stone wall. Then he realised that the guy stopped moving towards him, being held back by the naga.

"Bdubs," The naga started, pulling him back. "Stop. You can tell he's scared." The naga looked at Ren now, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry about him. He has a bad temper because he's constantly hungry."

"I DO NOT!" Bdubs yelled from behind him. The werewolf winced slightly at the loud noise. "And I don't CARE if he's scared! He should be! DOC! DOC THERE'S A WEREWOLF IN HERE!"

Ren made a run for it.

He dodged around the Bdubs and the naga, then dashed down the tunnel, only to crash straight into by a gigantic half-hels, bowling him over into a large cave full of people. He froze again, not sure what to do as they all stared at him in dead silence.

"Did you just-" A fawn in the corner started, before an imp grabbed him arm in a signal to be quiet. His eyes widened when he saw a shadow looming over him from behind. He turned around, horrified, as he saw the livid half-hels behind him, claw stretched out to grab him by his shirt.

He ducked and ran towards the entrance, ears flat as he ran. The werewolf could hear the Maji scrambling to stop him, and a young one with white wings, a golden halo, and a red sweater got in front on him and tried to grab him.

Instinct kicked in and he bit the teenager's hand so hard that blood flowed out at an alarmingly fast rate, the crimson liquid staining his clothes. He whimpered slightly, inaudible over the chaos in the cave, and made a beeline for the tunnels.

Then Ren realised that he had no idea where the exit was. He immediately stopped running and looked around. There was very low light, the only light source being the tunnel that he came from, and there were multiple ways to go through the caves. He hid behind a large stalagmite as people poured into the caves to search for him.

Ren waited until they were all gone before he began talking to himself quietly.

"Well now they hate me. Great. Really I don't blame them-" He hiccuped slightly, begining to cry out of fear. "I would hate me too. I do hate me too. Because of the STUPID werewolf instincts, I bit that guy and because of my STUPID werewolf looks everyone wants me dead."

Ren was quiet for a moment longer, thinking about things and crying a lot before he whimpered, "... I kind of want me dead." Really, it made sense to him, if everyone wanted him dead, he should just die and get it over with. He started shaking and crying uncontrollably, his breathing getting faster, and he couldn't quite think straight. The headache didn't help either.

"I-I could... I should d-die here. The stalagmite-" He caught his breath. "Stalagmite's sharp... Maybe?" I'll just die here I guess. He thought before he caught a whiff of a reptilian scent.

"Uh... kid?" A voice from behind him spoke. The wolf jumped, spooked, and twirled around to see the red naga. He looked extremely worried and alarmed, and was slowly moving closer to the shaking child on the floor.

He blinked and flopped backwards. "D-do it already." He stuttered, tears still pouring down his face.

"W-What? No!" He exclaimed, eyes wide. "Kid, listen to me, I don't care what you've done, I don't care what you look like. You DO NOT deserve death. You deserve love and care. You know that right?" He asked the werewolf cub, picking him up bridal style.

"...Why? Why d-do I deserve it? The big h-half-hels clearly doesn't th-think so." Ren replied sadly, ears and tail drooping.

The naga was silent. The he said, "Listen, I'll get you some food and a good bed, kid. My name's Python. What's yours?" Python brought him back into the large cave while stroking his ears softly.

Ren was confused by this kind behavior, but he answered the naga's question anyway.

"Um... Ren. M-My name's Ren." Just as he started to calm down, he froze up at the sight of the bleeding angel being treated by a demon in a suit. He immediately tried to scramble away, but Python held him fast.

"Ren. Calm down. It's fine. We're not gonna hurt you." He murmured in the werewolf's ear, stroking him more. The demon looked a little wary, but the red sweater-wearing angel waved at him awkwardly with his uninjured left hand. Ren stopped struggling and relaxed in Python's scaly arms.

Python set him down on a mattress in the main room and covered him with the blanket, which Ren was very grateful for, as it was freezing in those caverns. He quickly began falling asleep as the naga continued to pet him.

This darkness was much nicer than being knocked unconscious.

Hermitcraft One-shots (Mostly Ren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin