Cat-astrophe - Scar (S7)

563 20 12

Catergory: General

Main Character(s): Scar and Cub

Trigger Warnings: None for once


The wizard walked through his work-in-progress magic village. Grian had recently asked him to turn a rock into a cat after the little gremlin found out that he could turn non-living things into living things.

He chuckled to himself as he arrived at Larry the Snail after a short walk, getting his magical staff (aka a random stick) ready. He had to concentrate for it to work out correctly.

Scar began the spell, casting off golden and purple light orbs around him and the rock. He created more and more of them, until there were about fifty of them. Then, he commanded them to move inwards at the rock to turn it into a cat.

...But then he got distracted by a passing yellow butterfly swarm and the orbs flew at him self instead, excess magic shooting out everywhere.

He laid there, groaning on the ground, as he wondered what his rogue spell had done. Hopefully nothing... wait. Is that a fish? Scar scampered over to the river. There was a VERY shiny fish in the water. Very shiny. It was rather delightful to watch as it struggled upstream. It looked tasty, but he just ate lunch.

He shrugged and trotted off down the path. Time to find exactly out what his spell did.

-tImE sKiP 20 mInUiTeS-

"SCAR WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" A Mumbo with tan cat ears spotted with brown blotches cried the moment he saw Scar wandering through the jungle. "What. Did. You. Do?!" Scar explained what happened, and then Mumbo started laughing.

"Oh my word Scar. This is so stupid! You do realize that you are half cat now right?" Scar blinked at the moustached man.

"... What?" He was absolutely dumbfounded. "Ooooooooh no..."

Mumbo's ear twitched as he waited for Scar to answer.

"Where's Cub?" Scar asked suddenly. He had just realised that he had a grey striped tail and ears.

"Uuum... Maybe in has base? You can use my elytra if you don't have one..." Mumbo answered, clearly worried.

"Uh. Nope! I have one- Um. Could you come with me?" The now half-cat's tail flicked side to side anxiously. He could feel instincts kicking in. Dang, trying to eat that parrot was a tempting option. ...Wait- Instincts- Oh no. No no. Oh no no no no no. He thought, There wasn't much else to think really, other than "Attack the bird" and "Mmm fish".

Mumbo stared at him as Scar eyed the poor nervous parrot while putting on elytra.

"Scar- Uh- Are you sure your okay? Do you have a cat brain?" Mumbo was completely correct on that one, and Scar knew it. But... did he have to tell him? Both sides of his head were conflicted, and it was very confusing.

"N- No! Of course n- Wait, yes! Mumbo- I-" The hybrid stopped and facepalmed. "Could you just come with me?" Mumbo chuckled a little at his struggles. It was pretty funny to watch.

"Anytime Scar! I need to make sure you don't chase after some birds." Mumbo giggled as the other man glared at him jokingly.

Scar did end up chasing a bird.

When they finally ended up at Cub's pyramid, they found Cub outside, waiting for them. He looked very tired and a bit amused at Scar's appearance. The two walked up to the bearded pharaoh. Mumbo waved goodbye and flew off, still laughing at Scar's cat chaos.

"Scar. I told you. Don't get distracted while you- Ack!" He was cut off by Scar rubbing against his leg. "Um. How bad is it?"

"Mmmmhhhhhmmmmm. Very bad. I don't know why I can talk to you straight, but I can." Scar purred, rubbing harder and adding quietly, "I have noooooo idea what's going on, but this feels goooooood." Cub laughed a bit and began to scratch his ears.

"C'mon, you're adorable, but I need to get you fixed. The other people nearby will have cat parts, but they will slowly disappear. You, on the other hand..." Cub brought him to a large empty room and told him to sit in the middle. "First, take a look at yourself."

The pharaoh conjured a mirror with a spell from an old book. Scar stared at his reflection in shock. He had two grey ears, a grey tail, a cat nose, whiskers, pawlike white-furred hands, changed leg proportions, and yellow-green slitted eyes. Then, purely by instinct, he batted at the mirror image of himself repeatedly.

Cub burst out laughing.

"Hey! Cuuuub! It is- isn't- um. Isn't my fault! Wait- Oh yeah. It is- is not. No. Sorry... Ugh, I hate this." Scar facepalmed again, sitting down like a cat. Cub took a few minutes to stop laughing.

"Okay give me a second Scar. And don't move." He told Scar. Scar tried, to give him credit. But it was so booooring and coooold there.

"SCAR! I told you to sit still! Not investigate the wall!" Cub cried out in exasperation.

"Sorry..." Scar muttered, walking back over, still cold. The wall was interesting though! There was tiny itty bitty bugs! And pieces of dust! While Scar was grumping to himself about the wall, Cub broke a hole in the roof to allow sun to shine in.

Scar instantly scampered over to the patch of sunlight.

"Oooooooh. This feeeels gooooood. Mmmmmhhhhmmm. I'm gonna sleep here if you don't mind. Mhm. Suuuun." The cat quickly fell asleep on the floor. Cub chuckled and did the spell to turn Scar back into a full person, and he was left with a very tired wizard sleeping on the floor of his pyramid.

Hermitcraft was weird for sure.

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