[25] • "something in the orange."

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As soon as the car came to a stop, I pushed the door open and landed my feet onto the gravel. I watched out of the side of my eye as Jax ran over to Draven with Ashtray flying ahead. They slammed their bodies together, whispering in happiness over their reunion. I looked ahead, spotting Carl and Carol.

I widened my eyes at the sight of the friend we thought we had lost. When I got close enough, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.
"I'm glad you're not dead, Virago." I smiled softly with the corner of my lips, pulling her closer before letting go and walking away.

I could hear the shuffling feet belonging to Nana behind me, trying to keep up as fast as she could. I slowed my steps without looking back, letting her catch up to me.
"Julie, what you did back there.." She dragged out as she walked beside me, her voice weak and her mind tired.
"Just wait, Nana. Please." I stopped my feet, turning my body to look at her with begging eyes and quivering lips. She offered a soft nod, the wrinkles above her eyebrows curling into one another while she stared through me.

I looked up at the sun, forcing my eyes to dry their tears before I continued on. I kept going, the soles of my feet stomping against the dusty rocks while I ignored wandering eyes. Eventually I found myself at the prison entrance, yanking the door open only to slam it shut. Nana followed me all the way to my cell, the cell I had only shared with Daryl.

I let out a deep breath as I stepped into the room, my aching legs carrying me to the bottom bunk. I stared at the sheets for a moment, my eyes floating over the wrinkles left behind by Daryl's body. I trailed my fingers across the off white fabric as I sat down, my eyes closing out of pure exhaustion and sickening grief.

"So much has happened, Nana." I whispered, letting my head fall into my hands and forcing my elbows to dig into my knees.
"Why don't you start from the top then, hm?" I could hear the bed squeak as Nana sat down beside me, her right arm landing itself across my shoulders as she spoke. I stayed silent for a few minutes, my thoughts tumbling backwards into the past as I fought to remember everything.

It was hard. Where was the start? What was the first event? There's been too much bloodshed, too much loss, too much anger, and too many escapes. Even before the fall I was fighting. I was always in survival mode, always on the run.

"Tell me what happened. Tell me what has happened since I last saw you, Warrior." My heart winced at the nickname I hadn't heard since I was a child. I bit my lip in thought, the palms of my hands sliding against each other.

"Dad left after the move, and Ma followed. Just left us there in that dingy house, the only source of water from the creek in the back. I started hunting, fishing.. we stayed for awhile. Fallon didn't want to be there anymore, though. I didn't either if I'm being honest.." I whispered, my eyes trailing up and down the seam of my combat boot. My leg bounced nervously, a tick I rarely let manifest into the open for all to see. When there was no reply, I continued on.

𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 • 𝑑. 𝑑𝑖𝑥𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now