[15] • "chapters of our story."

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I hummed the tune of a song I couldn't remember the name of as I walked through the woods with my head hung. I had zero weapons besides the knives that stayed strapped to my skin no matter what was happening around me. The guns were left behind, confiscated from the hood of the yellow car and placed in a duffel bag taken to a location only Shane knew of. I didn't have a plan. I just knew I needed time to think. I didn't know if I was going back. I knew that if I decided to leave, to split from the group, I would still have to perform the walk of shame back onto camp in order to not only reclaim my source of defense but grab a shirt while I was at it. There were bugs biting at my arms and stomach with every step I took. It was driving me insane. I looked down as I grabbed the zippo from my back pocket. I stopped and stared for a moment before lowering into a crouch.

Footprints. Footprints made by boots, probably a size ten or eleven. I could tell they were somewhat fresh, the dirt wasn't completely dried. Either Daryl was just here, or there was some other man traveling lonesome through the woods wearing a size ten or eleven steel toed boot. I decided to believe it was the first choice.

I lit my cigarette and continued walking. Only this time instead of letting my feet carry me forward, I turned to the right. The direction Daryl was going. I don't know why I felt the need to see him. Maybe I'd feel less shitty if I gave him a proper goodbye first. Maybe I wanted to see him in hopes that he'd change my mind about leaving. Maybe I hoped he would tell me to leave all together. Maybe -

My silent thoughts were abruptly ended the moment I heard the whoosh of a bolt being shot from a crossbow. The bolt that landed directly in the tree in front of me. I sat down on the ground out in the open with my knees against my chest as I puffed on the stale cigarette between my lips. I listened with my eyes closed as his footsteps neared the tree only a few feet in front of me. The second I could hear the familiar grunt coming from his mouth as he removed the bolt from the tree I opened my eyes.

"Hey." I whispered. He jumped back in response, crossbow loaded with another bolt aiming directly at my head.
"What the fuck.." His voice was breathless with surprise as he lowered his crossbow.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Daryl rubbed his thumb over his eyebrow as he stepped closer to sit down beside me. He leaned his crossbow up against a log before turning his eyes to mine.
"Thought I asked ya to stay put." Daryl said as he raised his eyebrows, taking his own pack of cigarettes from his vest pocket and placing one between his lips. I handed him the zippo I already had in my closed fist.
"Why are ya shirtless?"
"Long story." I explained, squinting my eyes when I turned my head from his to look at the sun. He mumbled back a response.

"I didn't come out here for you by the way." I took the lighter back as he handed it to me. His eyes held a question in them that I knew he wouldn't ask.
"I tried to kill Shane." I spoke, bringing my knees even tighter to my body.
"He hurt ya?" His body shifted to face me completely. I avoided eye contact but Daryl's eyes kept following mine until I stopped fighting the stare he was looking through me with. His voice sounded angry, worried, almost protective.

𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 • 𝑑. 𝑑𝑖𝑥𝑜𝑛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora