-B2- Chapter 3

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The drink has found its way into my veins, making me blurry and making me forget the world around me. I wrap my arms around Novak's neck. The two sparkling red eyes look at me grinning. By now I am so used to the new colour that I sometimes forget they were once blue.

After turning around once more, I press my lips to Novak's. He immediately responds by wrapping his arms around my neck. He immediately reacts by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him. Grinning, I let my lips slide along his, searching for a stillness for the excitement.

Our tongues glide past each other, fighting for power. We are well matched, we don't give up easily. It is Novak's hands that slowly disappear under my dress and give me an idea.

Grinning, I take my lips from his and push him away from me. I like games but only when I win them. This is an example of a game I will win. I turn around to the bar and walk towards the dirty woman. Again, it doesn't take long for her to come running to me.

'Another whisky?' she asks and wants to take the bottle.

'No, a room,' I reply. A telling grin appears on her lips. The woman is not mad and neither am I. She walks towards the end of the counter, opens the wooden cabinet on the wall and walks back in my direction. She puts the rusty key on the bar. Z Ik
'Four,' she answers, holding up her hand. I put four coins in her palm, take the key from the bar and walk away. I put the iron between my teeth and look for Novak in the crowd.

It doesn't take long before the two red eyes look at me lustily from a distance. I know that look and I know the consequence. A consequence I no longer mind, on the contrary. I have come to love it.

With the key between my teeth, I turn around and walk to the wooden door next to the bar. I pull open the door and leave the dancing, drunk and smelly people behind me. The cold that comes from the corridor hits my body like a blanket. A small narrow corridor with stairs takes me to the second floor of the tavern. Everything creaks, has holes or is inhabited by spiders. It is anything but clean. It smells musty and of fire here but that also brings back the charm.

The stairs lead to a small narrow corridor with four doors. A man and a woman are standing further down, kissing fiercely. The man's hands are in places that don't often see the light of day. They are too busy to notice that I am walking past them to the door with the three on it. The key goes into the lock, is turned and the door falls open, creaking. The room hidden behind the door is not large, really clean or lavishly furnished but it's good enough.

There is a double bed with two brown-grey sheets, there are pillows at the head end and a sheepskin here and there. Apart from the bed, there is little in the room. A table with two chairs and a fireplace, nothing more. I walk into the room and take a seat at the foot of the bed.

It is not long before Novak sticks his head around the corner and walks in grinning. He slams the door behind him, snaps his fingers and ignites the fireplace while walking in my direction.

'Calm down Casanova,' I say grinning as he starts to take off his jacket. He raises his eyebrows in the air and throws the black thing on the floor. Slowly, I put my hands behind me on the blankets, lean back. Novak puts his hands right next to my legs and leans forward until we are almost nose to nose.

'You should drink less,' he says. I put my arms around his neck with a grin.

'You don't want that.' With these words, I pull Novak onto the bed. My legs go around his hips, his hands to my back. After all these months, Novak is a master at opening the strings on my back. He pulls them out of the rings without looking while our lips continue to move past each other. With each movement, I gain more and more breathing room.

It doesn't take him long to undo all the rings and pull the dress off my body through my legs. The black thing falls to the floor, leaving me in nothing more than my undergarments op li je. Novak's eyes glide over my almost naked body, observing and lusting. As if he were trying to take in every bit of my body. I can only grin. In the past, I might have found it strange or uncomfortable, but those days are long gone.

However, I don't give Novak long to look at my body before I throw him with his back on the mattress. His head ends up in the white pillow. He opens his legs slightly so that I can put myself between them while I open his trousers and blouse. First the red blouse goes on the floor but he is quickly joined by the black trousers. Unlike Novak, I'm not going to make it any harder than it is and I do take off his on pants straight away. He looks at me with raised eyebrows as I bring my head to his stomach.

I put my tongue against his skin and let it slide down agonisingly slowly. His hands grip my hair and the muscles in his stomach tighten. Grinning, I make a trail of kisses along his belly to his friend. My tongue goes all over the place except where he wants me.

His hands grip my hair tighter as I slowly make my way back up his body. To make it all even more exciting, I run my tongue over his friend once before pushing myself up until I am at eye level again. As soon as his eyes open, two highly frustrated and lustful red eyes look at me. I can't help but laugh.

'I hate you,' he says, sighing. Grinning, I press a kiss against his lips.

'No you love me'. He has told me so too many times to deny it now. Without answering, I am pushed with my back into the mattress, my pants pulled from my legs and his hand disappears between my legs. Two fingers slide in effortlessly. I bite my lip and struggle to keep my eyes open. He doesn't give me much breathing space as soon as he starts moving his fingers hard. My head falls into the pillow, my mouth open and my eyes closed.

He knows what my weak spots are and he likes to use them. However, I also know what his are and how to use them. His neck, his thighs and especially his belly give me total power over his body. It is a game without end. Today I started the game dirty and unfortunately Novak loves a counterattack. As quickly as his fingers started moving, they stop again. My eyes open and I look into Novak's grinning face.

'I hate you,' I repeat to him as he pushes my legs open and comes between them. His friend teasingly slides past me as he continues to look at me with that grin on his lips.

'No you love me.' With those words, he slides inside me, my eyes fall closed and I wrap my hands around his neck.



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