-B2- Chapter 65

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As I exit the space with mirrors and step into a white corridor, the nymphs release me. The woman who was sitting just behind me walks ahead with almost floating steps on the white floor. Her bare feet glide over the stones as if she has no weight.

In silence, I walk through the immaculate white empty corridor until the once endless wall reveals a closed door. I look around in surprise and notice that the door I entered from has disappeared.

A few meters before the end of the corridor, the door opens by itself. A new, pristine white room appears, and an unfamiliar woman stands on the other side of the wall.

She wears the same pristine white dress with a deep V-neck and no sleeves, reaching down to her bare feet. Her white hair hangs loose down to her chest, and her skin and eyes are so light that they almost appear white.

I am ushered into the seemingly empty room, and the other nymphs close the door behind me, causing it to vanish into the wall. I look back in amazement until I turn to face the woman.

'The last night rider,' the woman says with her soft voice as she takes a silent step forward.

I remain rooted in place, meeting her gaze without saying a word.

'Without Nazu.' Another step forward. Her hands are folded behind her back.

'When we created the night riders, we assumed they were invincible.' Another step forward.

'Or at least strong enough.'

She stands still the next moment, extends her arm, and lets her hand float through the air. The same white-blue glimmers dance through the air. The white floor begins to shimmer in the middle until an opening appears.

In the center of the sterile space, a small round pond is revealed. In the clear water, there's not a speck of dirt, no blue or other colors. If it weren't for the movement, you'd think it's glass.

In the crystal-clear water, two fish swim, one white, the other black. Their long fins make them move in a graceful dance around each other. I don't need anyone to tell me that these two fish represent Yin and Yang.

I gaze silently at the legends in the water. I always thought that seeing the fish would be a life-changing situation, accompanied by an intense feeling of oppressive magic. The reality is that it now looks like two ordinary fish in a pond.

'They say Yin and Yang are defeated, gone, and dead. If that were true, we would need new night riders.' She takes another step forward.

'These two fish are merely vessels for two spirits so powerful that when they are released, they can destroy everything and everyone.' The white eyes shoot up, looking into mine.

'You are connected to them, the only person walking around. The only person with access to the magic of the spirits. The only person who can have that kind of magic at your fingertips.' I observe the woman, fully aware of what she's saying.

Nora told me years ago that we are the only ones with a true magical connection to Yin and Yang. A connection that means if we were to kill them, we would inherit the magic.

'Would you want that magic?' is the first question she asks me.

'No,' is my first answer.

'Why not? You have the chance, you are capable. Think of the possibilities it can offer you. Revenge on your father, your husband, everyone. Don't you think someone as strong as you should have it?'

'No.' My eyes shift to the fish, wondering what her gain is in this situation.

The longer I look at the water, the more glimmers I begin to see.

'Aren't you angry? About all the violence, the death of your mother, the rapes, the other night riders. Don't you want revenge?'


Slowly, I begin to understand that this place, along with the forest, is filled with illusions. The doors, the crown, the mirrors, everything is fake.

These are not the real fish. There's no chance that the nymphs would allow me to kill one of the fish or give me a chance to do so.

She says this for a different reason, a reason I can't place. All I know is that she won't get any answers she desires.

'As pure as you are not, not with more than ninety deaths to your name. You want revenge.'

'No.' The woman scoffs and takes a step forward.

'Then why are you here, Celeste?'

I remain silent.

'If I'm correct, you're here for your next murder, for a name on your list. Doesn't that have to do with pride and revenge?'


'Black magic is a dangerous fire, a game you lose. It always costs you more than you receive, and yet you dare to play it. Why?'

'A chance for a better world.' The woman laughs at my longest answer so far.

'And you consider yourself the chosen one to achieve that?'


'Then why do you attempt it?'

I remain silent. The woman stares at me for a while, realizing that I won't give an answer.

'Pride is what we call it here, a sin. Believing you are the most perfect person, the one who will save the world. Black magic is never just, and playing the hero doesn't make it right.'

'Who will then? You keep me alive to protect the lifelines, Yin and Yang,' is my response, uncertain if it's a good move.

'Do you feel chosen?'


'Then why your defense?' I almost open my mouth until I realize that this isn't a real conversation.

For a moment, I look back at the fish. The glittering water, the illusions, the conversation, and the mirror.

This woman is toying with me, and I have no idea what game it is, what the rules are, and what I win or lose.

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