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I'm so sorry,Dipper.

Dipper's arrest was all over the world.Based on what Grunkle Stan told me,Dipper took the whole blame at court.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

Now,people come to see me sometimes.I used to wonder why,but now I know.

Dipper said he abused me.That's why I am suddenly blind.

I can't believe you took the blame.

Sometimes,Grenda visits me.She asks me how I feel and all.Candy never visits me.Grenda says she's......busy.

I heard Candy was on top of the popularity chain now.Was our friendship meaningless?

Why was I so naive?Now,I've lost the person I love the most.

My brother.

Now it's my duty to guard the journal.Dipper wouldn't want to break his promise.

Now,I've lost my eyesight.Its all that stupid amulet's fault.Since the day we found it,we've turned crazy.

I still despise the Pines family.I also heard Pacifica got a boyfriend.Lucky her.

Well,Dipper will return,someday.But its not today.Till then,I'll wait for him.Even for an eternity.

[A/N] And.....the end!What do you think?Love it?Hate it?

I'm really thinking about making a small sequel.Maybe I should,what's your opinion?

I want to thank everyone who voted,commented and read my story!You guys are the BEST!

Well.Time for me to end my other story.PFT out.*drops mic*

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