The hunt for the book

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"Putting up some di da..."I sang quietly to myself.I was about to hang up the last sign when a loud metal bang was heared.I tapped my hammer ay the tree again and there was metal sound again.I examined the tree.It had gather a lot of dust.Weird.

Curious,I rubbed my hand against the tree and felt a gap.I pried it open...

Revealing a book inside.

(Rev! Twins POV)

"You tracked it down yet?"

"No,but the spirits tell me were close..."

They heard a twig snap on their right side.

"Ohoho...I'm sensing someone's here with us..."Mabel had a cheshire cat grin.

Smirking,Dipper walked closer to where the sound was heard.

"Brother.Wait."Sensing urgency,Dipper turned around.Mabel's eyes were glowing as she held up her hands."That tree."She pointed to a tree in the direction Dipper was going to go.

Quietly,they neared the tree.

Only to find out the book was gone.

Filled with rage,Mabel groaned.Dipper seemed to be lost in thought.

"Sister dearest,do you recall sensing someone?"

"As a matter of fact,I do..."She grinned.

"Will search for the book tomorrow.Let's go home and rest.We have a show tomorrow."

[A/N] Hello people!I'm back on this story.Long time since I updated,huh?I thought nobody read this story so I chose to focus on my other stories.I'm updaiting two or three chapters today!SQUEE!OMG,I just LOVE Reverse Falls!You?

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