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"Not now."

"Okay,okay!I'm sorry!"

"Just leave me alone,Dipper!"


"Let go of my hand,moron!"

"Mabel, I'm not letting go.Look,I understand your sad that Gideon dumped you,but trying to kill yourself?"

"Just let me go!"

I watched as the two siblings fought.I looked at Gideon beside me who was already looking guilty.

"If it wasn't for that blonde's fault,we'd still be together !"

"Mabel,I don't think Pacifica's the type to do that."

"Oh,look at that!Defending her aren't you?"Mabel threw her hands up.

Dipper looked taken aback."I'm not defending anybody !"

With a scoff,Mabel rolled her eyes and flicked her hair.Obviously she doesn't think so.

"I know you like her,Dipper."

I gasped.Looking at Gideon he has the same look as I do.Shock.

Dipper's mouth was left open for a while.

"W-Well, w-what if I do?"

Again,I gasped.Louder.The twins' heads turned to our hiding spot.

"Duck!"Gideon whispered.

"Did you hear that?"

"Stop changing the topic, Dipper!"

"Wha-I'm not!"

"Why can't you learn to like Candy?Sure she's a little cuckoo-"


"No she isn't!Besides,I think you make a cute couple."

"Me.And Candy.Will never be together."

"Oh really?"


"Then I might as well cut myself!"


"Besides,you were never there for me!"

"What?! "

"You were never there for me ."

"What do you mean?"

"You were always so stuck up in your book.All about creatures,and-and magic-I had enough of this!"

With that,she threw her amulet to the ground.Dipper quickly caught it.



She ran as fast as she could.


"What are we gonna do?"I whispered to Gideon.

"I don't know ."

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