{13} School Lockdown

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Vienna died. She died. She died? Yeah... Yeah, she died. MG. MG killed her. Her best friend killed her. How- No, when does that happen? MG. The guy that Vienna used to doubt could cause any real physical damage to someone. The guy that was obsessed with superheroes and being part of a superhuman team that saved people. The guy that wanted to save people killed her. Killed two people. How do you get over that? How do you even begin to try to go back to your life like nothing happened after that?

How did she even come back to life? Dr. Saltzman and the others said that she was bursting with this golden energy and light. The kind of energy/light that came from nowhere to heal her when she was injured. One minute, her body had lay on the forest floor, bloody and pale. The next minute... She was alive. Vienna had no idea how it happened and neither did anyone else for that matter.

Coming back to life definitely took a toll on her. She passed out as soon as she got in the car. When Vienna woke up, she was met with a shocked Hope who informed her that she had been unconscious for almost two days. Imagine Vienna's surprise when that happened. When she woke up, she had no idea what happened to her. It was like the memories had been too traumatic to try and remember it. Hope ended up explaining to her what happened. How MG killed her and Landon and then the two of them both came back to life.

Speaking of Landon, he was kidnapped. You'd think that the kid would get a break after dying but no. As soon as the group found out that Landon was gone, they immediately got to work preparing to find him. That led us to the current moment where Hope, Rafael, and Vienna waited for the others to show up so they could leave to go after Landon. Well, everyone was going but Rafael. He was dealing with a lot at the moment so he chose not to go. Breaking out of her thoughts, Vienna saw the others walking toward them.

Side by side, Kaleb, Jed, and Josie walked toward the three. Josie and Kaleb shared a look, both ready to do whatever it took to get Landon back. At that exact moment, Lizzie walked up from behind the three. As soon as Josie and Lizzie noticed the other, they said, "She's coming?

That was another thing. While Vienna had been out of it, Lizzie and Josie had gotten into a huge fight. It was very confusing for the girl when the two of them refused to even be in the same room together. If they had something to tell the other then they would tell someone else to talk to the other for them. Noticing the distaste the two felt toward each other, Hope reminded them, "I need all the help I can get, so please put your twin war on pause."

"And that means put it on pause until we find Landon," Vienna gave them a pointed look. "Not for a few minutes." It happened more often than not. If their dad or mom told them to stop fighting then they would cease arguing until the parent left and then go right back to hating each other's existence.

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