{3} Fuck Losing

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If there was one thing that was annoying, it's when you know how easily you can win something but you know that you aren't allowed to win. That was one of the most annoying things to Vienna. She knew that her school's team could wipe the floor with the Mystic Falls High kids' team. They could do it before they even blinked. It would be the easiest thing that they had ever done. But they couldn't. They had to let the privileged kids of the local high school win so they could get a little ego boost and believe that their (Salvatore School) team was lesser. Oh, but it was all to 'protect their identities,' in Dr. Saltzman's words.

There was most definitely a better way to do that than to let themselves get beat as badly as they were. The score was 28 to zero. Obviously, they were zero. If anything, that was the most suspicious part. But, Vienna digressed. After another perfectly orchestrated fail, the Salvatore team met up on the field and huddled up into a group.

Looking over her shoulder, Lizzie grinned at the score on the board. At least one person was happy about them getting absolutely obliterated. Lizzie turned back to the group and spoke with praise, "I just want to take a minute to let you know how proud I am. You're all doing a great job."

Nothing stopped the eyebrow raise that she got from Vienna. The blonde crossed her arms and it was obvious to anyone how frustrated she was over this whole game, "Yes, if doing a good job is sucking horrendously."

And it wasn't only her that was upset, "We're getting our asses kicked."

At that moment, MG came running up to the group. He had been the only one who hadn't been with him. He probably went to get a drink of water or something else. He took his spot beside Josie, who had her own input, "Which means we're doing a great job."

"What's the play?" MG asked.

Did he even really need to ask? They all already knew the answer. And just as Vienna thought, the plan was exactly predictable. "Same as always," Lizzie replied. Vienna pursed her lips. Great. Let themselves get beaten even more. "Run around, make it look like you know what you're doing, then fail," Josie nodded, agreeing that it was the best plan. "On three."

A sigh escaped Vienna, "Yay," She said with as much sarcasm as she can muster, which honestly wasn't even that hard. The group all clapped in unison and then split up. Vienna spoke one more time before the next game started, "Can't wait."

The teams all took their places. Unlike what they had originally planned, when the game finally continued, MG had actually done something to help them. Lizzie originally had the ball when she let herself get tackled by Dana. When the ball was about to be dropped, MG caught it and actually scored them a point. A big grin was on Vienna's place as she watched the zero on the scoreboard turn to a one. The grin immediately fell as soon as she saw Lizzie walking away from MG after scolding him and coming in her direction. Best to not let her know that she was happy about this.

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