{10} Mummy On Main Street

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If you thought walking around with Lizzie and Hope was bad, imagine being stuck in public transportation with them. Lizzie found anything to be mad at Hope for and Hope was trying to defend herself the entire ride. Vienna was basically losing her mind the whole time. There were times when she debated jumping out the windows of the bus. She thought about how much of a relief it would be to have the Daleks from her dreams kill her. Anything would've been better than the bus ride.

Once the bus stopped, Vienna basically fought her way off the bus. No way was she going to stick around for longer than she had to. The group was led to a tent where people who had bumps like Josie were getting checked out. Taking one look around, Vienna felt sick at seeing how some people looked after the attack, "Everyone looks worse than Josie."

On the other hand, Hope was thinking about something else entirely, "I don't get it," The brunette started. She was speaking mostly to Emma and Dr. Saltzman who they had met up with after they had gotten off the bus. "The locals that we met said that they haven't seen anything, which means that the first sign of trouble happened after we got here."

"Maybe it's following us?" Vienna suggested. "I don't even know."

"How did these people get here before the bugs?" Emma inquired. She shot a skeptical look toward the people at the main front that were getting people checked in. That was a good question, one that Vienna had been curious about herself. It was like they were waiting for it to happen.

Looking around himself, it was obvious that Dr. Saltzman was skeptical as well, "I don't know who they are, but they are too prepared, organized, and well-equipped to be responding to some random insect attack."

It was like these people were reading her mind and copying her at this point. Vienna felt like she didn't even have an original thought because everyone else seemed to be thinking the same thing she was. Or maybe it was just that obvious, "I was thinking the same thing. The only way they could have gotten here this fast was if they were expecting it already. There's probably even a chance they did this themselves." She made sure to lower her voice the closer they got to a representative. She couldn't be talking about her doubts when the people she was talking about were right there in front of them.

A woman who was dressed professionally with a clipboard stared at the two main adults in their group, "You together?" The look on her face and her tone of voice made it clear that she wanted to be anywhere else but here.

Thankfully for them, Dr. Saltzman had been able to come up with a quick excuse, "Yeah, you know, we just came in from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have." You could tell that he had been doing these types of things for a while. Barely anyone would be able to think of something on the spot like that if they were inexperienced.

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