{9} Road Trip

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You see, there are a few reasons why Vienna never liked the faction performances whenever they came up. One is that she never liked being on stage and two is because something always seemed to go wrong whenever it was around the time for the performances to take place. This recent time, there had been a unicorn that showed up on campus and a worm that infected it started infecting other people.

This started a fight between Lizzie and Josie that Vienna was caught in the middle of. Not only that, the urn that the school had ended up being taken away. Because the urn was out there, the urn had been causing plague-like things to happen. In order to stop them from happening, they had to travel to find the urn... Which would lead to the worse car ride of Vienna's life. Trust Vienna when she says that there couldn't be anything worse than the car ride that she would have to suffer through.

Squished in one van were two teachers, one headmaster, and five students. You can imagine how cramped it was. Dr. Saltzman and Kaleb sat up front while Dorian, Emma, and Josie sat in the main back. This left Hope, Lizzie, and Vienna sitting in the middle of the van they were in. Vienna could see Kaleb glancing around the van until he finally said, "Dr. Saltzman, this van is very... White of you."

"It's retro." Dr. Saltzman tried to defend himself.

A scoff escaped Vienna, "That's definitely one word for it."

"It's a gas-guzzling atrocity on wheels," Lizzie stated.

With a sigh, Hope came up from being bent down to grab something. In her hand she held a bag, "I brought snacks."

That was the only thing that Vienna needed to hear. She was basically bouncing with excitement, "Yay, something to make the ride bearable." Before Hope could even think, Vienna was reaching into the bag and taking a bag of chips out of it. She wasted no time at all in opening the chips and munching on them. Snacks had to be one of her favorite things ever.

Unlike Vienna, who was obviously happy about the snacks, Lizzie found some way to discredit Hope's gesture, "Oh, sweet," You could clearly hear the sarcasm in her voice. "Did you pack them before or after you decided to FOMO your way onto our trip?"

"Like I'm gonna let you guys chase monsters without me?" Hope tried to keep it lighthearted.

This was not going to fly with Lizzie. She made sure of it, "I would've thought you wanted to spend the break canoodling with your hipster boyfriend." If there was one thing that Vienna knew about her cousin, it was that she would take any chance to take a shot at Hope. She disliked her more than anything for multiple reasons. Some were known reasons while some were secret.

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