{5} Who's the Better Wolf?

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If there was one thing that Vienna was very big on, it would be karma. She believed that if someone messed up then they would definitely get what was coming to them. Karma could come in any form. It can be their favorite band being sold out of tickets to a concert and they had been saving up for the tickets for weeks. It could be their car breaking down while they're rushing to work after already being late. Sometimes, karma could come in the form of the person that they personally affected.

When Vienna thought of karma, she thought of two specific people. Penelope Park and Dana. She hoped that karma came to them in whatever form. Penelope had hurt her cousin deeply and Dana hurt her other cousin, along with being a downright horrible person to Vienna and everyone else that Vienna knew. There was no way that karma would skip past the two of them. If it did, did karma even exist?

Well, Vienna could tell you that karma definitely did exist. But she definitely didn't think that it would manifest in the form that it did on this very day. As soon as the girl had woken up, she was told that there was would an assembly. It confused the girl a little. What could this assembly be about? What confused the girl even more was that when she made it to where the assembly was taking place, the sheriff was also standing up front with Dr. Saltzman.

Taking one look around the room was enough to see just how confused everyone else was about the situation as well. Once everyone had settled down and gotten into their seats, the assembly started. Dr. Saltzman was the first to speak, "Given our recent influx of monsters, the Sheriff and I have decided we need to take drastic action. Please give him your full attention."

The headmaster stepped to the side, giving the sheriff room to step up. Vienna could feel herself getting anxious as she started to bite at her hangnails. She didn't really like the police, given that she had been interrogated by them when she suddenly appeared out of nowhere after years of being missing. You'd think that the police would be understanding of her situation but the way they spoke to her was like they were speaking to a common criminal.

"Like Dr. Saltzman was saying," The sheriff started. "Local girls Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux didn't come home last night," Pictures of the two girls started to be passed around the students. Vienna found herself staring at Dana's picture with wide eyes. No way that she suddenly disappeared. This had to be her just running away from home or something. The sheriff seemed to understand exactly what Vienna had been thinking because he said, "Dana sometimes skips town for a few days to party, but this is a first for Sasha."

That was all that the sheriff had to say. He stepped back and Dr. Saltzman took his place behind the podium once more, "Thank you, Sheriff Donovan. Now while the knife is away with Dorian and things are quiet on his end, it won't hurt to assume the worst. If Dana and Sasha..," Vienna hadn't really heard much of what he had said after that. She knew that karma would come for Dana eventually but kidnapping or disappearing was not what she expected. She focused back in on what Dr. Saltzman was saying, " Now, I'll need a few of you to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls High under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relations between our schools, which, unfortunately, is necessary, given recent events."

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