{4} "Sound a bit familiar?"

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To say that what happened in the infirmary was a surprise is an understatement. Vienna, Lizzie, and Josie had never seen anything like it. How could a wound heal like that? It couldn't. Not if you were a witch, that is. After that happened, Vienna tried her best to ignore it, asking Lizzie and Josie to do the same. There was no way that she had the mental capacity to deal with that at the moment.

Because of what happened at the game, the team ended up getting in trouble. Dr. Saltzman was informed that they had broken his rules and used magic in the game. He was not pleased with them at all. So, obviously, the group got into trouble. The team was put on a bus that headed to the town square where they would do community service which Vienna was not looking forward to. It was everyone else's trash, why were they cleaning it up?

What surprised Vienna was the fact that Hope was also on the bus as well. There was no way Hope would willingly volunteer for community service so there was only one explanation. She got in trouble as well. Vienna seemed to be the only one to notice Hope on the bus with them until Lizzie finally saw her as they were heading off the bus. As soon as she saw the girl, the siphoner witch bombarded the girl with questions, "So what did you do? My dad never gets mad at you. You're the prodigal daughter," Josie got off first, with Hope after her, Lizzie after her, and Vienna being last. "Must have been juicy."

"Is this really the time, Lizzie?" Vienna inquired. She had squinted eyes as the sun was shining directly in her eyes, making it hard to see properly. If she could, she would give Lizzie a look saying to cut it out. It was always annoying to hear Lizzie and Hope fighting. It made her wish they were the type of enemies that completely avoided each other.

Still, Lizzie was persistent, "There's always a time when Hope Mikaelson gets in trouble with Dad." A sigh escaped Vienna. Great, she was going to be in for a long day today then. She just hoped that Mr. Williams didn't put the two girls together. If he did then she most definitely did not want to be with the two of them. That was a disaster waiting to happen.

Thankfully, and like always, Hope was not one to try and indulge Lizzie, "Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits." Vienna could only hope that Lizzie would let it go for at least five minutes. Ever since she had woken up, Vienna had a headache that was basically killing her. She had a feeling that fighting would not help it at all.

Stepping off the bus, Mr. Williams gazed at the students. There were two sides that stood on either side of the sidewalk, and none of them looked thrilled to be there. Mr. Williams didn't care for their feelings on the matter, "All right, listen up," He handed off bags to one student. "It's a beautiful day. You got options: litter, weeds, graffiti," Lizzie locked eyes with MG. Vienna had no doubt that she would group up with him so he could do most of the work while she relaxed. "Your choice."

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