The Storm Chapter™ Without the Storm Part

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Warning for Panic Attack


Let's just forget about what happened last chapter and move on like the mature civilized individuals that we most certainly are.

Oh who am I kidding? You guys use Wattpad so ya'll are the complete opposite of civilized. Anywho, school had started back up again and it was already the second quarter. Why does time go by so fast when I need to get things done but as soon as I'm begging for a future, it just stands still mocking me?

I bought the Teletubbies costume and was prepared to show up to school on Friday wearing it with my friends. 

Later tonight, there's we have an actual Halloween party at another school in the district which sounds pretty cool. Aaron said that people usually just stand in the corner the whole time, sometimes sneaking outside. He also said that last year, he heard three people hooking up in the bathroom. 


The day went by super fast, I can't really tell you what all happened looking back on it. I honestly felt as though all my dreams of making a change were falling short and weren't going to be made a reality. That was until my good friend Legal Troubles showed up. According to Herc, Principal George fell into debt due to unnamed reasons and might have to quit. 

At first, I was a little disappointed that if he were to leave, we wouldn't be the reason why, but then I realized that I still tried and will probably be remembered for trying. 

"Hey Alexander," Washington called from the kitchen. "Can I talk to you for a second?" 

I ran to him. 

"I know you've been plotting to take down the principal." He spoke right before taking a sip of coffee.

I cleared my throat, "What makes you say that?"

"Alexander, your friends text you every fifteen minutes, I was bound to find out sooner or later" I cursed under my breath. "I'm not allowed to say anything on the manner but... I had a principal like George back when I was a kid. He wasn't very good with the kids and was very quick to cut funds out of certain extra curricular activities other than football and basketball," He looked into his cup as I awkwardly stood next to him. "I ran an 'underground' campaign against him, I think eventually he found out and wasn't happy about it so I made his life a living hell after he got upset with me. Long story short, I got enough people to basically say that he was terrible and the school bored got involved and he ended up leaving. I was super happy and proud of myself but soon I realized that I won the fight but was it worth taking away one man's job?"

I nodded.

He chuckled softly. "Just think about that okay? You're one of the oldest kids in the school so, I don't know, maybe set a good example for them?" He stood and and grabbed his keys. "You don't care about what an old guy like me has to say, I wouldn't either. Y'know, I see myself in you Alex." He smiled at me then we got into his car.


"Yo I had a dream that I got walked up on edibles- they were gummies by the way- then I took the car I most definitely have to the local gas station and saw a gender bent Shrek cosplayer in a wedding dress then I crashed my car and woke up," John said to no one in particular. 

"It's literally Red Ribbon Week." Herc reminded.

"And? Just because I don't do drugs now doesn't mean I won't do them later. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS BRACELET!" John took off the bracelet that said 'I'm proud to be drug free' and slammed it on the table. "I'm actually going to keep this because it changes from red to pink so..." He put it back on as we all laughed at his eagerness to keep the bracelet solely for the single reason that it changes colors when you put pressure on it. 

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